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7. Ramifications - Complicated or, Unexpected results of something, Synonyms - Consequences, Aftermath,, Repercussions, Ramifications, , 8. Espouse - Adopt, Promote or Support, , something., 9. Unfettered - Unrestrained or Uninhibited, 10. Fettered - Restricted, Confined, Synonyms - Tether, Shackled, 11. Patriarchal - Male dominated, controlled, by men, , 12. Matriarchal- Female dominated,, controlled by women, , 13 Parochial - Interested insmall issues,, , Narrow Minded (used for thinking, mentality,, , attitude, approcah, laws), , Synonyms - Provincial, Hidebound, Claustral, , 14. Catholic - Universal, Broad Minded, , 15. Mellow - To soften or subdue one’s, opinions or remarks, Calmed and Relaxed, , 16. Invidious - likely to arouse or incur, resentment or anger in others., , 17. Implications - the effect that something, will have on something else in the future, , 18. Tampered - interfere with (something) in, order to cause damage or make, unauthorized alterations., , 19. Hand in Glove - In close collusion or, association, to conspire