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x20 as, , , , , , , , , , , , 6 | Fodder 30, 30x10 335333, , , , 5. Seed treatment, , To protect the maize crop from seed and major soil bore diseases and insect-pests, seed, ‘eatment with fungicides and insecticides before sowing is advisable/ recommended as per the, below given details., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Disease/insect-pest Fungicide/Pesticide Rate of, application, , Turcicum Leaf Blight, Banded Leaf and| Bavistin + Captan in Tod, , ‘Sheath Blight, Maydis Leaf Blight ratio, , BSMD ‘Apran 35D. 40), , Pythium Stalk Rot ‘Captian 25), , “Termite and shoot fly Imidachlorpit 40), , 6. Tillage and crop establishment, , Tillage and crop establishment is the key for achieving the optimum plant stand that is the main, driver of the crop yield. Though the crop establishment is a series of events (seeding,, ‘germination, emergence and final establishment) that depends on interactions of seed, seedling, depth, soil moisture, method of sowing, machinery etc but, the method of planting plays a vital, role for better establishment of crop under a set of growing situation. Maize is mainly sown, directly through seed by using different methods of tillage & establishment but during winters, where fields are not remain vacant in time (till November), transplanting can be done, successfully by raising the nursery. However, the sowing method (establishment) mainly, depends on several factors vic the complex interaction over time of seeding, soil, climate, biotic,, machinery and management season, cropping system, etc. Recently, resource conservation, technologies (RCTs) that include several practices viz. zero tillage, minimum tillage, surface, seeding etc. had came in practice in various maize based cropping system and these are cost, effective and environment friendly. Therefore itis very important that different situations require, different sowing methods for achieving higher yield as described below:, , ( Raised bed (ridge) planting: Generally the raised bed planting is considered as best, planting method for maize during monsoon and winter seasons both under excess moisture as, well as limited water availabilityainfed conditions. , ‘Sowing/planting should be done on the southern side, Of the east-west ridges/beds, which helps in good, germination. Planting should be done at proper, spacing. Preferably, the raised bed planter having, inclined plate, cupping or roller type seed metering, systems should be used for planting that facilitates in, placement of seed and fertilizers at proper place in, ‘one operation that helps in getting good crop stand,, higher productivity and resource use efficiency. Using, raised bed planting technology, 20-30 % irrigation, water canbe saved with higher productivity.