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CTICAL MANUAL ne, , DINESH PRA, silk OF, : i ch so it is known as water ., 4. Itis a fresh water green algae, silky to tou ye, cells have single, rands, , multicellular filaments. pe, ch rectang present as, , longer than broader su, , Spirogyra has long,, ted by cell wall. Cytoplasm is, , 3. Spirogyra cells are, placed cells are separa, , centre., Cell wall is two layered and is made uP of c, oroplasts are presen, , nN, , , , ellulose and pectin., , t in the cytoplasm. several PY, , 4., 5, Flat, spiral, ribbon shaped chl i nwen, each chloroplast. ¢ chlorophy"- we, 6. Algae has autotrophic mode of nutrition due to presence 7, chlorophyceae., 7. Reproduction :, ina by fragmentation, , i) Vegetative reproduction, (ii) Sexual reproduction, (a) Scalariform conjugation, (b) Lateral conjugation, , by conjugation, (ladder like conjugatic, (End to end conjugation), , on), , Outer cell wall, , Inner cell wall, , Cytoplasmic strand, , , , Spirogyra Cell, , Spirogyra Filaments, Reasons of identification :, 1. Algal body is multicellular, unbranched and slimy to touch., 2. Mucilagenous sheath covers the filaments., 3. Flat, ribbon shaped chloroplast is characteristic., 4. Nucleus is stranded in the centre by cytoplasmic strands, 5. Cytoplasm encloses a vacuole in the centre., sh Boia es storage of starch are present in the chloroplast.