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a6 Dalton’s law of Partial Pressure :, John Dalton not only put forth the atomic, “ _ but also made several contributions, to understanding of the behaviour of gases., F formulated the law of partial pressure in, 1301. This law is applicable for those gases, which do not react chemically on mixing. The, pressure exerted by an individual gas in a, mixture of two or more gases is called partial, ressure. It is also the pressure that each gas, would exert if it were present alone. Daltons, jaw of partial pressure is stated as :, , The total pressure of a mixture of two, or more non reactive gases is the sum of the, partial pressures of the individual gases in, the mixture., , Mathematically, Dalton’s law may be, expressed as,, , Pra? ar, + .... (at constant V and 7), , Where P,,,, is the total pressure of the, , mixture and P,, P,, P3. .-.1++ are the partial, pressures of the individual gases |, 23h aD, the mixture., , Partial pressure and mol fraction : We know, that the pressure of a pure gas is given by the, ideal gas equation