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Definition:, , j An aggregation of populations of different species, | living together (in interdependence) in a specific, area, having a specific set of environmental, , conditions constitute a biotic community., , e Example, the various plants and animals in a, pond or lake constitute one biotic community, whereas the plants and animals in a particular, forest constitute another biotic community., , ¢ The overall combination of different plant and, , animal population sharing a common habitat result,, ‘In the development of biotic communities.
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There are two types of communities:, , (a) Major Community:, , e It is a large community which is self, regulating, self sustaining and independent, unit comprising of a number of minor, communities in it. Examples: a pond, a, lake, a forest, a desert, a meadow and, grassland. Each of these major, communities includes several minor, communities.
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i! (b) Minor Community:, 'e It is a smaller community which is not a, , self sustaining unit. It is dependent on, other communities for its existence., , e The major community exemplified by a, forest has many minor communities;, ° (a) plant community (the plant |, population of the forest),, ° (b) the animal community (the animal, population of the forest) and the, , ~~ *(c) microbial community (bacteria and, ___ fungi population).
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Classification of Community, , e| Communities have been classified by different, ecologists from different view points, , e/ Communities may be classified on the basis of, environmental considerations., , e| In terms of their general shape and growth, form with a peculiar environment, , _ communities are classified as Forest, community, Desert community etc., , e| According to availability of water in habitat,, communities are; Hydrophytes, Mesophytes,, “Xerophytes.
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f e On the basis of light; Heliophytes,, , Sciophytes, , e Clements (1916) recognized the fact that, plant communities are not always the same, any place and classified the communities 01, 2 parallel lines, , e One in progress of change (or succession) |, which is called seral community, , e Other stable or climax community., , las