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Unit 1., Introduction to Embedded Systems, Using Single Board Computers (SBC), , Charles Stark "Doc" Draper was an American scientist and engineer,, known as the “father of inertial navigation". He was the founder and, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's, Instrumentation Laboratory, later renamed the Charles Stark Draper, Laboratory, which made the Apollo Moon landings possible through, the Apollo Guidance Computer it designed for NASA. Draper was one, of the pioneers of inertial navigation, a technology used in aircraft,, space vehicles. and suomerines that enables such veh'cles to navigate, E by sensing changes in direction and speed, using gyroscopes, and, Charles Stark Draper —_ accelerometers., A pioneering figure in aerospace engineering, he contributed to the Apollo space program with, his knowledge of guidance systems. One of the first recognizably modern embedded systems, was the Apollo Guidance Computer, developed ca. 1965 by Charles Stark Draper at the MIT, Instrumentation Laboratory. He was born on 2 October 1901.Wirdsor, Missouri, Unized States, and died on 25 July 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. He was awarded with, National Medal of Science for Behavioral and Social Science, National Meda! of Science for, , Engineering,, , The 8051 microcontroller, its architecture, instruction set, programming in assembly language,, in ‘C’ language and interfacings of various inpuoutput device were thoroughly stucied in last, semester. This semester, we have to study embedded system, its block diagram, its architecture,, Programming using Pythen and interfacing of devices using Python programming., , This chapter includes the details of embedded systems, its definition, block diagram,, comparison of SBC models. Specifications, I/O devices (Storage, display, keyboard and mouse),, Natworr access coves., , System, , 2 An vennbediled system is @ computer system which can perform many ike Bich as to access,, to process, to store, to control the data in various electronic systems., , * Embedded system is a combination of hardware and softwere., , * Software is usually known as firmware that is embedded into the hardware., , « Embedded systems are application specific, organized hardware which can be controlled by, specific software., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (1.4)
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SE BSc (Comp. 5c) = Erect. - SIV - Pt 22 Introduction to Embedded ...., , One of the important features of the embedded systems is that it gives the cutput within the, specified time limits., , Embedded systems are used in many appliances which ere used in our daily life. It is used in, microwave, calculators, TV, remote control, home security systems, traffic control systerr ete., The hardware of embedded system mainly consists of power source,, microcontroller/microprocessor, timers, memory, I/O devises etc., , The software consists of compliers, integrated development environment (IDE), assembler,, simulators etc., , Usually, embedded C, embedded C++, embedded JAVA, assembly language are used in, embeddec system programming., , The block diagram of embedded systems is shown in Fig. 1.1., , As shown in Fig. 1.1, embedded system consists of processor, program memory, data, memory, processor, power supply, parallel ports, serial communication ports, i/O interfacing, devices and application specific circuits., , , , , , , , [<2 Input devicss, j titertécing ! Driver “is, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , “Output Intetasing, » ED -iver circuits, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Fig. 1.1: Block diagram of Embedded system, As mentioned earlier, embedded systems consists of hardware and software designed for a, specific application., The illustration of Bele Suueting of embedded system is shown in Fig, 1.2., (“Processor |, , basic |, , 5, , Fig. 1.2: Basic structure of Embedded system, , , , fe, , fe “Actuator, , oN
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S.¥.B.S¢. (Comp. Sci,) : Elect, - S-IV - P-1 1-3, , , , As shown in Fig. 12, embedded system is consists of sensor, ADC (Analog to Digital, Converter), processor, DAC (Digital to analog Converter), actuators, memory etc., , Sensor measures the physical quantity and converts it into an electrical signal. The output of a, sensor is usually in analog form., , ADC converts this analog output received by senser into digital signal., Processor processes the data, calculates the output and stores it in memory., , As this data has te be transmitted for further process or action. it has to be ccnverted in to, analog form again., , DAC converts this digital output into analog form., , Actuator compares the data with the expected output which is stored in memory and then, further action is taken by the actuator., , Characteristics of Embedded Systems, , ., , Embedded system usually performs a specialize operation., , Embedded system must be of size to fit on a single chip., , It must perform fast enough to process the data in real time., , It has consumed less power to extent battery life., , It has to monitor the data without any delay to give real time outputs., Microprocessor or microcentroller is used as a processor in embedded system., Memory has to be sufficient to store its software., , It should contain peripherals to connect input/output devices., , Software must be flexible and secure with more features., , Advantages of Embedded System:, , ., , Low power consumption,, , Low cost., , Small size., , Enhanced real time performance., , Easily customizable for a soecific application., , Disadvantages of Embedded System, , °, , High development cost., Time consuming design process., As its itepphnalin spans less market available., , , , , , , , , , , , A single board computer or SBC is a whole computer constructed on a single circuit, board having memory, microprocessor, I/O devices and other features which are required, for a functional computer., , Personal computers have add-on slots in which various add-on cards can be inserted., However, SBC does net have any extra slots fer 1/O devices.
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S.Y.B.Sc. (Comp. Sci.) : Elect. - S-IV - P-I 1-4 Introduction to Embedded ...., , Some SBC have plugs into backplane for system expansion., SBC usually use static RAM, low cost 8 bit microprocessor and few I/O/ devices., , Advantages of SBC:, , Easy to use., , It has verified hardware., , SBC has adaptability., , Good performance at low price,, , Portable, , SBC has GPIO (General purpose input output) capability to interact with outside word., Low power consumption., , Good support available for most of the SBC., , SBC has small form factor and good computational quality., , Disadvantages of SBC:, , Usually delicate (electrically)., , If SBC is designed for an application or product which is in the high capacity category, then it is cost effective otherwise it may cost more as compared with SOC (system on, chip)., , Lot of customization on SBC can be difficult., , SBC are not as powerful as the personal computers (PC). However, due to fewer, components on single board, SBC usually consume less power and so do not dissipate, much heat. Therefore, SBC in the smart phone can be used for entire day without, charging and without cooling it., , All electronic gadgets such as smart phone, tablets contain SBC. Single Boarc Computers, are frequently used in embedded applications,, , An embedded computer cannot be expanded beyond its capability of I/O devices. For, example, a vending machine can have an embedded single board computer to contro} all, the functions of vending machine, but there is no provision to add more hardware to, expand the system., , In many cases, SBCs are plugged into a backplane which allows for input/output devices, to be attached to the computer., , SBC have all the capacity required for most of the automation tasks., , SBC generally have less capacity than a multi-board computer., , SBC are specialized equipment designed for a specific application, So, SBC are not, manufactured in large quantities as compared to multi-board computers., , SBCs are mainly used in industrial applications., , 1.2.1 Single Board Computer Block Diagram, , Block diagram of SBC is shown in Fig. 1.3 The main blocks of SBC are Processor, memory,, General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins, Ethernet port, External USB ports, microSD slot,