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of population of an insect species shows an explosive increase in numbers during, ves season followed by {ts disappearance at the end of the season. What does this, , fa) The food plants mature and die at the end of the rainy season Ww, , {o} its population growth curve is of J-type, {ec} The population of its predators increases enormously, , fd) S-shaped or sigmoid growth of this insect, , er ich of the following is the reason for highest biomass in aquatic ecosystem?, fa), , Benthic and brown alse //, , >} Diatoms, , {}) Nanoplankton, blue-green algac and green algae, , {4} Sea grass and slime moulds, , 6 Alou Bay where mercury poisoning was reported is located in, , fa} Indian Ocean, fo) West Coast of Kyushu Island ff, fd Arabian Sea, , f) Black Sea, , Ba! ition for light, nutrients and space is most severe between, , fa) closely related organisms growing in different niches, (bo) closely related organisms Growing in the same area/niche ¥, (ch) distantly related organisms growing in different niches, , {@) distanily related organisms growing in the same habitat, , 138-4, , 25 [P.T.0.
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Rutes of assembly are more likely t be detected in, , fa) the late stages of an autogenic succession, —_——, the cariy stages of a primary succession, , ri], fe} the late stages of an allogenic succession, is, , the early stages of A secondary succession, , ’ One theory suggests that nutrient capture is limited in late successional commy,, ities, , there is intense competition for these resources:, @) rates of weathering limit nutrient availability, , ‘cj there are few species able to invade these communities, , Wy ‘rates of prsaary production limit the energy available for nutrient capture, , Com Compensation by a plant to herbivory includes, fa} production of secondary metabolites used as general toxins culy, , @} production of secondary metabolites used as anti-feedants only, , JM production of secondary metabolites and changes in growth form, a 2, a Ne Contacnany vy, , changes in gowth form only YT, Ls Phenol, , 106. Tie water temperature of a lake being modelled for its energetics represents 4/an, , if ae, , fo) state variable, , #) process vaniable, , , , /38-A 2