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health ceni, , , , “+t ©ACTE taking into, al Career prospects, , , , , , ds, employment opportu, ", for which, , , , , , S absolutely essent, FEC Tough continuinc e, ’ C } educ f, MES Should b sd wi, € developed with major emphasis «, ) e 3 asis on:, . Refresher courses ‘ ., , In-service training, , ae courses for advanced professional education, rovision of study leave after 3-5 years of service, . Dissemination of new information., Performance appraisal is a formalised system of review of an individual's strenct, weakness in his work and of joining to meet his development needs. (Personnel management, dealt in detail in Chapter 13) ee, , , , oT», , a9, , Materials Management, , Material managementis concerned with providing the drugs, supplies and equipment needed, by health personnel to deliver health services. The right drugs, supplies and equipment, must be at the right place, at the right time and in the right quantity in order that health, personnel deliver health services. Without proper material, health personnel cannot work, effectively, they feel frustrated and the community lacks confidence in the health services