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,APTER, , 12, , Fundamentals of Planning, , , , ———.4| dasoooeeeeeoeo em, , ympetencies, roduction, ncept of planning, finitions of planning, ture of planning, proaches to planning, Planning: A rational approach, Planning: Open system approach, Planning: Pervasiveness approach, ectives of planning, ciples of planning, ortance of planning, ning process, es of planning, es of plans, E point of view, archical nature of plans, ts of sound organizational planning, , , , , , TENCIES, , dt tan, , pletion of this chapter, the learner will be able to:, stand the concept of planning as a foundation of, igement., , e and compare various definitions of planning given, anagement thinkers., , ss critically the nature of planning., , in various approaches of planning., , objectives and principles of planning applied in, management., , the importance of planning in management., , key steps of planning process., , five types of planning differ with each other., , , , , , , e types of plans as per management and, of view., , components or evidences of sound, ing for hospital nursing services., , INTRODUCTION, , Planning is the foremost function of nursing management. It is, the foundation of nursing management as the other functions of, nursing management, viz. organizing, staffing, directing and, controlling, must reflect proper planning as shown in Figure 12.1., It is concerned with the future implications of current decisions., It is futile for a nurse manager to attempt to perform the, managerial functions without having a plan. Plan is commitment, to a particular course of action believed necessary to achieve, specific result., , , , , , , Controlling, , Staffing Directing, , , , Organization, , Planning, , Figure 12.1: Planning as foundation of nursing management, , CONCEPT OF PLANNING, , Planning is considered as a process which involves the, determination of future course of action, i.e. why an action, what, action, how to take action and when to take action. Thus the, planning process is concerned to the answers of why, what, how, and when. Although, the basic process of planning is the same, for all the mangers yet the type and level of planning may differ, from manager to manager., , In order to achieve the objectives of nursing organization,, planning is the first step in the management function. As it, precedes the execution of all other managerial functions because, it provides the frame of reference for future decisions, reduces, overall impact of changes and allows nurse managers to organize,, staff, direct and control the activities necessary to accomplish the, nursing organizational objectives. However without setting the