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Competencies, , Introduction, , Collective bargaining, , © What is collective bargaining, Objectives of collective bargaining, , Collective bargaining and nursing, , ©, g, ®, , process of collective bargaining, , , , , , , , , , Merits and demerits of collective bargaining, Types of collective bargaining, , Role of TNA! in bargaining and policies for strike, care labour laws, , are laws, , > Health care laws, , Trade union, , @ Features of unions, , _ @ Objectives of unions, , E © Purposes of unions, , - Associations, , Big Legal status and growth of associations in India, _ © Features of associations, , Objectives of professional associations, , , , © Further readings, , COMPETENCIES, UE SS, , , , After completion of this chapter, the learner will be able to:, , O Recall and understand the concept of collecting bargaining, Discuss the objectives and characteristics of collective, bargaining, Describe the process of collective bargaining, ou Merits and demerits of collective bargaining, , plain various ollective bargaining, Discuss TNAI na and policies for strike etc, Enlist various health care labour laws, , , , Collective Bargaining, , , , O Define employees unions and professional associations and, its purposes, , QO) Enumerate features and objectives of unions and associations, , Discuss legal status and growth of associations in India., , INTRODUCTION, , The concept of collective bargaining was introduced very late in, , India, as trade unions were formed only in the 20th century. The, , concept of collective bargaining attained significance only after, , 1962. The term ‘collective’ in collective bargaining is used, , because both the employer and employees come together and, , put a collective effort to establish mutually agreeable terms and, , conditions for employment. The phrase ‘collective bargaining, , is said to be coined by Sydney and Beatrice Webb; and Great, Britain I said to be the ‘home of collective bargaining’ Bargaining, is the process of cajoling, debating, discussing and even, threatening so as to arrive at an amicable agreement for those, being represented., Due to rapid social change and dissatisfaction with values, and norms, the nurses are also striving towards collective, bargaifiing in order to meet their professional and personal needs., Although-the nursing profession has been represented by a2, professional association say Trained Nurses Association of India, since 1908, interest in labour unions is increasing due" to, administrative practices, support the interest in labour Unions., , COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, , , , What is Collective Bargaining, , ¢ Collective bargaining involves a set of procedures by which, employee representatives and employer representatives, negotiate to obtain a signed agreement that describes, conditions of employment, especially wages, hours and, benefits., , e The National Association of Manufactures (USA) defined the, process of collective bargaining as a method by which, management and labour may explore each other’s problems, and viewpoints, and develop a framework of employment, relations within which both may carry on their daily, associations in a spirit of cooperative goodwill and for their, mutual benefit. z, , * Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating the terms, of employment between an employer and a group of workers., Usually conditions of employment, working conditions and, , ), )