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of Nursing Management and Admi, , ee, , inistration, , Principles and Practice, responsibility for assuring at least a minimum level of safe SOU, , Multiplicity of Objectives, , As organization may have multiple objectives. In each level,, there can be many goals. At any rate , the number of objectives, depend on ‘how much’ the nurse ‘administrators will do them, selves and how much they are assign to subordinates, thereby, limiting their role to one of assigning, supervising and controlling, , Objectives have Time Limit, , The objectives need to frame keeping in mind the time A quality, without a time limit conveys no meaning., , , , Objectives are Inter-related and Inter Dependent, , All the objectives are interrelated and inter dependent as per the, management functions. Each objective cannot be achieved, , without considering the other one., , Objectives have Different Priorities, , Success of organization depends on a rational approach to, objectives and determination of priorities. It means that at a, , given time, the achievement ‘of one objective may be relatively, more import ant than that of others., , Formulation of Nursing Objectives, , Setting right objectives is critical for effective performance, management. All the organizations need to set the objectives., Setting objectives are important; it focuses the organization on, specific aims over a period of time and can motivate staff to meet, the objectives set. It involves a continuous process of research, and decision-making. Objectives can be formulated on the, following bases as depicted in Figure 13.4:, , On the Basis of National Health Policy, , The national health policy is assumed to be logically determined, by health needs or problems of the people. Democratic and, scientific techniques of administration demand the presence of, permanent mechanisms for consultation before decision are, reached by the government. The nurse administrator need to, involve and they should plan for the nursing services,, , Needs of the Population, , Nursing objectives should be based on the needs of the, , : popu, lation and formulated to make a positive impact on the health, , people by ensuring at least basic or elementary, preventiv /e, curative and rehabilitative nursing, , for all, Objectives should be consistent with overall, , set should be focused on achievement of, , , , , , , , , deat, , and scientific nursing care services., , Resources Available, into account the resources »,, , , , Nursing objectives must take, the most costly health care activities are not necessarily 11,, effective, Objectives should be defined in a man;, , these should be pertinent, lod, le of implementation, observation, and meas:, , ical and precise and, , capabl, possible, , Active Participation, , Formulated objectives should be communicated, and accepted. Both the nursing personnel engaged, out the activities for achievernent of objectives. ard the pr, that is to be benefited frorn ther should be aware o, , expected, Philosophy of Nursing Services, , Keeping in mind the philosophy of nursing that, objectives of hospital/ care centre, the nursing obdje, formulated., , , , Accepted or Approved by the, Administrators, , , , As soon as the objectives of nursing services ar, need to be approved &accepted by the top, head. And these should be available in writing, , , , Characteristics of Nursing Objectives, , A simple acronym used to set objectives is callec 5", objectives (Fig. 13.5). SMART stands for:, ¢ Specific — Objectives should specify what they wea, ¢ Measurable — You should be able to measure whe, are meeting the objectives or not, or that can qua (, results., <, «, :, , , , , , * Achievable — Are the objectives you set, achievad<, attainable?, , * Realistic or relevant — Can you realistically achies* ©, objectives with the resources you have?, , * Time bounded - When do you want te achieve “ *, objectives?, , Thus the nursing objectives must be:, , * Focused on a result, not an activity, , * Consistent with national, state, organizational missio", , * Clearly specified and defined, , * Rational and realistic rather than idealistic, , * Measurable, , * Consistent over a period of time and therefore #2", periodically, , * Attainable and achievable (as shown in Figure 13.6)