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structure, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ‘ ren structure iY ee ieneoe ee boithat makes visib, hy p09" and the requisite resources. A program st ible both, Oh out in of the course of action to attain the ae isa, : iy if fon. It represents a way of looking at the ol jectives of, thy, oP nat 8 suited to the needs of the Foo aaniation’s, efor” ecision making.It includes the id analysis and, 71a es and courses of action to achieve een of, * i jevel of goals and objectives are termed pone The, ‘i ing hig ams and the courses of actions are referred as the el major, ” ‘i the program: phese elements of program are cee, rept ent the output orientation. The elements should:, , Be complete, i.e. every activity and expense should have a, place in the program element., ; , Have suitability for analysis, the " ave identification with the organization units, iy + Based on the preferences of decision makers, The program structure should:, + Reflect the mission, goals and objective of the program, 1055 + Facilitate the types and level of decisions which are made on, the administrative and academic level, ram + Facilitate the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of outputs, + Be readily understandable and compatible with legally, accounting and budgeting procedures, + Be capable of development and implementation in phases, and, ems Program Document, ed This is an approved program document that includes precise,, and quantitative data on needs, resource inputs and program outputs, els extending a number of years into the future. The program and, one financial plan is the document that serves the function of, les formalizing the program. It should also have the time horizon, , extending a number of years into future., , A Decision Making Process, , 7, : feature. It establishes, , In PPBS, decision making is an essential, the functions, rules, timetables for the actions. It involves the, establishing the responsibilities of the organizational units, engaged in planning, programming and budget preparation., , of, , ng The Analysis Process, , E 7 for, An analysis process is for measuring effectiveness and, process requires use, , Weighing alternatives. The decision making, , of a number of documents. Analysis is done for the ae eI, making choices of alternatives. The major function of analysis i, ‘o bring program analy sis into the program formulation process:, Ttincludes variow us types of analysis like: cost effective analysis,, Cost benefit analysis, and cost utility analysis., , =—" => "&, , , , , , Budget and Budgetary Process, , Characteristics of PPBS, , * It focuses on the fundamental objectives OF, program, , Planning activities are highlighted during the stage of budget, preparation, , It explicitly identifies the future implications ofgcurrent, budgeting decisions,, , It considers all costs, , It systematically analyzes and examines, in terms of utility and costs., , It evaluates and control activities highlighted during eae, of budget implementation though planned during Utes, preparation period, , purposes of a, , alternative programs, , Advantages, , * It educates the managers to constraints that aff, decisions, , * Clarifies cost consequences of expandin:, service program, , ‘ect managerial, , g or contracting the, , Disadvantages, , * It has tendency towards excessive centralization of decision, making at the top level while managing and control responsibilities lies for the middle manager or supervisory group, Difficulty to define clinical program in terms that administrators, and functional expert can understand, , Difficulty in identifying the output measures that can be, quantified in financial term, , FURTHER READINGS, , 1. Besie LM, Carol JH. Leadership Roles and Management in Nursing:, Theory and Practice. 5th Ed.Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Publications., , 2. Howard S. Rowland, Beatrice L. Rowland Nursing administration, Handbook. John and Bartlett Learning, , Sh 9_1.pdf, , 4., , 5., fy2011_BudgetBriefing.pdf, , 6. Mikesell JL. Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Applications for, the Public Sector. 8" ed. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengag:, , Learning. 2011., , 7. Sonberg V, Vestal KW. Nursing as a business. Financial managemen, Nurs Clin North Am 1983 Sep; 18(3):491-8, , g. Susan J. Penner. Introduction to Health Care Economics an, Financial Management: Fundamental. Lippincott Williams ar, Wilkins Publications., , 9. Swanburg RC. The nursing, Jun;9(6):40-7, , 10. WHO. Planning and Programming for Nursing Services. Pub, Health Papers, No. 44, Geneva: WHO. 1971., , 11. WHO. Modern management Methods and the Organization of Hee, Services. Public Health Papers, No. 55, Geneva: WHO. 1971., , 12. WHO. Administration of Environment Health Programmes, System View. Public Health Papers, No. 59, Geneva: WHO. 19, , 13. William L. Kissick. Planning, Programming, and Budgeting, Health. Medical Care 1967; 5(4): 201-20. :, , 14. William O Cleverley. Essential of Health Care Finance. As, Publishers Inc. 1992., , /defbudget/fy2011/, , budget. Supervy Nursel197