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ing Management, , , , Principles and Practice of Nurs, , Selection, , y for the, The process of choosing and appointing rant ee and, job in nursing is termed as selection. It inclu interview, an, screening of applications, employment tests,, medical examination of candidate., , Placement, , ‘ the unit or, Placement ensures the right staff is placed or assigned, , hospital as per her capability., , Induction and Orientation, , It is the process of inducting or orienting a new Ce e A, organization and job. They are also to be informed al - a, working hours, procedure for availing leaves, safety precau' . ), uniform attire, legal and ethical responsibilities, Dene ee, etc., , Training and Development, , In order to keep skills and knowledge of the staff in doing the, job, various methods of training can be used. On the job and off, the job methods are employed for them., , Remuneration, , It is a kind of compensation provided monetarily to the, employees for their work performances. This is given according, to the nature of job- skilled or unskilled, physical or mental, etc., Remuneration forms an important monetary incentive for the, employees., , , , Performance Appraisal, , This function of staffing quides the staff as per performance, The, transfers and promotions are decided based on performance of, the employee., , Promotion and Transfer, , Promotion is said to be a non-monetary incentive in which the, worker is shifted from a higher job demanding bigger, responsibilities as well as shifting the workers and transferring, them to different work units and branches of the same, organization., , STAFFING PATTERNS, , Staffing patterns are the ways the planning is done so that, appropriate numbers of nursing personnel are made available, to carry forward the goal of the institution and the particular, units comprising it. ‘Rast, , ind Administration, , , , to be the institution and equitable utilization Of nurs, eg, , interest. ; :, Factors Influencing Staffing Pattern, Staffing is concerned with manpower planning, in order to ensure that requisite number of staff wi, skills is employed at the right time to meet the req, work to be done. ;, Staffing patterns are influenced by a wide Variety of ,, dependent factors within any situation Sse n, which are related to the staffing pattern of nursing, , follows:, , and deve, y, , Ith 8PPtoy, Altemeny, et of,, , Me, , , , SCrVicos |, , Types of Nursing Services, , Staff pattern depends on the types of services to },. i, Careful evaluation of patients needs take longer and +, more skill than gross nursing procedures. More staff, required for the specialized services than general cary, emphasis is placed on the responsibility of the nurse to prova, emotional support to the patients, for giving Guidance lp, emotional growth and development and providing tee, hensive nursing care to the patients, nursing care js jp, , so that more and better prepared nursing staff is ne, , , , , , , , , , , , ¢ The training centers and agencies which provide e., to new graduates and students will need more p, than with older, more permanent staff., , , , , , Number of Patients, , The number of patients under care represents the maior wor, assignment of the nurses and it is one of the most s, bases for estimating the number of staff required, , , , , , Standard of Care, , The kind and amount of nursing care which an agency or hospital, expects the nursing staff to provide are reflected in the hosp, Policies and standard of care. Once standards are establi, is an administrative responsibility to determine what serv, and staff is implicit in them and to make provision for those tha!, are necessary to attain the goal., , , , Role Defined by Profession, , One of the responsibilities of a profession is to define its 10" 5, function to distinguish that role from other professions in rele?, fields. The International Council of nurses (ICN) has urged is, each country should evaluate its own standards and defin?, , own goal in line with modem trends and changes in met, Practice. The ni, , , , , functions by the profession. In the, , ine other professional and ch, , , , , , , , , Dion ad and, ig functions of hospital can be identified 2 :, , ion a, ich are appropriate to other dl, , fing Be y, ita it, incudes Whee stall, , patients: Conditio, , who are act, , ts who ar, , Fluctué of Wo, The units having P, , ical unit requiré, more staff is requi, , depends on the na, Method of Assig), , Staffing pattern vai, staff. In case of pati, staff is required m«, , Geography of N, , Staffing pattern is i, open ward, there