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\ SS, , , , 1. RESEARCH APPROACHES AND DESIGNS, , , , 156 ariables, 1 Design vi ae, True Experimental Xi ae, Advantages and Disadvantages of A for 2 )30, a idered the most powerful designs to establish the kept inte, ni aside most clone a, = Experimental esearch designs Tr ane ctependent variabie | Althous, causal relatio ship between. dependent 2 mre relationship may be established among phenom, : For the purpose eh research as.explane™t, in studies involving physical objects, where plex an, errr * a s D, the variables by experimentation, Sane ee that in human studies. not helt, the variables are more easily controlled than t hich the study is conducted can yield a only be, In these studies, the controlled environment injwiucn) ——, ity in observation. . A Bie , i, SS. ao natural setting can be created in an experimental setting, where am, e Condition: atural setting Te pie, i ‘s manipulated by investiga tor. . / pe ed, ee ee ee aoe ar nen Gieate conditions in a peeree sit me that Becot the, : may take years to occur naturally. For example, in genetic ee we can breed strains in or pre-ex, very small time, which would take a long time to occur natura i ca, © When the experiment is conducted in a laboratory, experimental unit, 0 ee. pecialized research setting, itis removed from te pressure, and problems of rea’ life _situa- RAND, tions and the researcher can purs @ his or her studies inca more leisurely, careful, and, sin}, concentrated way. Nur é, justify ®, DISADVANTAGES erate hi, « For most of the times, the results of experimental research designs cannot be replicated in eviden«, nurses, , due to ethical problems., , studi ucted on human beings E, e For certain research problems, because of the danger to physical and psychological th them a, jects, it is not possible to conduct experiments on human beings. among, , of the human, , , , e Many of the a i neither have valid measurable criteria nor instruments to difficu, meas' em. For example, patient welfare or level of wellness cannot be measured on any variab, scale or by any instrument. In these situations, if a refined experimental design is used, tions., there may be a mismatch of research design and the variable-measuring instruments. found, , ° Inexperimental studies conducted in natural settings like hospitals or community, it is not be de, an ag recru, , e Experiments are often impractical when the effect of independent variable may require a Th, lengthy period of time before it can emerge as a response on the criterion measures. This ha, situation exists for many of the variables in nursing. One of the main drawbacks in con- st, ducting experiments on the effects of nursing care on acutely ill, hospitalized patients is ‘, that the patients are discharged from hospitals in such short periods of time that there is d, oe opportunity to study the effects as they occur. Only by a difficult and costly proce- tt, ae ee ee patients can be followed in their homes to observe the experimen- cell, , . However, it is not always possible because of several constraints. i, , ¢ Another disadvantage of the experimental research design is that it is very difficult to get, seen from the study participants because it may involve prepigsliae eureical treat- :, , i ich may make the prospec bjects reluctant to participate i, sca 'Y Pp e subjects reluctant to participate in en, , - 2 ! f :, Because the sample size for experiments involving human beings is often kept small, there, , Ae oe = to how representative the findings of such studies can be. e target, pI on is diverse, if the extraneous variables are numerous, or if these extraneous, , 1. FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING RESEARCH