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e There is a significant positive correlation, between years of experience and level of, , A well-stated research hypothesis. is writnurses’ job satisfaction., , n declarative directional—alternative, nature of relation, ten i, “form, which predicts the, ship between dependent an, variables and also. incl, , under study., , ad independent Male patients have higher satisfaction with, uding population — jursing care as compared to their female, , counterparts., , , , , , ASSUMPTION, , a realistic expectation. which is something, that we believe to be true. How, ever, no adequate evidence exists. this belief. In other words, an assumption is an, act of faith which does not have empirical evidences to support it. Assumptions provide 4, basis to develop theories and research instruments and, therefore, influence the development, , ‘and implementation of research-process. Differences between assumptions and hypotheses, are presented in Table 4.1., , An assumption is, , , , , , Definitions, Assumptions are statements that are taken for granted or are considered true,, , scientifically tested., , even though they have not been, , In other words, assumptions are the declarative statements about a phenomenon, which are largely believed, , to be true even in the absence of significant facts., , TABLE 4.1 Differences between Assumptions and Hypothesis, , , , Assumptions Hypothesis, ions are basically beliefs and ideas that we Hypothesis is a prediction, , hold to be true A é, , Often with little or no evidence and are not Can be statistically tested and may be accepted oF, , statistically tested in research ‘rejected ail, —————— eel t 7, , Beliefs about the variables Predictions about the relationship of two or more, , T i variables. , Predicts a relation between variables and statistically, tested to conclude the study, , Assumy tions are e generally formulated throu, Used in quantitative research studies where interplay, qualitative, descriptive, and explorato research ‘of dependent and independent variables is investi, studies and may be used in non-cause-effect stu gated such as experimental and correlational studies., process., , Based on the beliefs, the researchers attempt to, , , , , , , , , 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING RESEARCH