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4, HYPOTHESIS ANP ASSUMPTION, 86 as a source of hypothesis. Some important, i ry also serves as ©, teem Ta . ci - as ote given below: Ly Spe, cae 7 pot! sa f Ee, characteristic features of hype «out Eveesthaente new areas of discovery. Thus exp, ¢ Hypothesis enables the researcher to objective ee knowledge of h, > u ont € f i , ;, “it provides a powerful tool for the Ba The formulation of hypothesis provides q a, Tt + cctivity to te researc h activity. | Be Licacts EM picblem, et, a ae coed guides the researcher about the specific aspects of r problems 5 ob, study wl a ; s, in, P ee ae insight to the researcher about what data to collect and what not to collect, a, e It provi S, thereby providing the focus to the study. ey PR Bice of d ., Italso provides directions to conduct research such as defining the sources a > of data ee, : ‘ ape a, ae ar and specific oals to the researchers. These clear and specific goals pro 5 4, Ww ample and research procedures to meet :, 2, , i e, Ee ae “basis for selecting 5, these goals., It provides link between theories and actual prac, It provides a bridge between theory. and _-reality._., It suggests which type of research is likely to be most appropriate., As it is a tentative statement of anticipated results, it guides the researcher towards the, direction in which the research should proceed., e Itstimulates the thinking process of researcher as the researcher forms the hypothesis by, anticipating the outcome. ;, It also determines the mos esigns and techniques of data analysis., hat to expect from the results of the ee, , It provides understanding to, research study., - conclusions of a research study., , It serves as a framework for drawing, e Without hypothesis, research would be like aimless wandering., A, , tigator with a, tical research., , { appropriate research d, the researchers about w., , Characteristics of a Good Hypothesis, , . ne pees must be written in declarative statements, using present tense. It must, , ae aa ee under study, and should be relevant to research problem and, ; easily tested. The main characteristics of a good hypothesis are as, , follows:, , ¢ Conceptual clarity: Hypothesis sh i, *0) 3 ould consist of cl :, concepts. I : clearly defined :, meee . Teas Bp ery clear terms, the Hie el eras ec., , declarati . To facilitate the conceptual clarity, h a |, ive statement, in present tense. , ypothesis can be stated in, , e Empirical referents: R, -al referents: Research must have an ultimate e pirical ref ae, OPAL erent. No usable hy, pothesis can embody moral j, judgements. A :, from the area of enqui good hypothesis Pa :, the concepts that ee. ees generally ae oe ee, e Objectivity: Hypothesis m ee ulated based on, wanand' Reena tien ust be objective, which facili, dk a as acilitat See Be, arch activity free from researcher aaa ee oore, e ement or bias. The, , objectivity of hypotheses i, provid ;, to measure and how to measure es an effective guidance to the research, : earcher about what