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262 9, TOOLS AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION, , ‘Composite scales are socio-psychologic measurements directed towards quantifying the qualita., tive a HTBUISS, Such. aS feelings, attitude, self-concept, perceptions, beliefs, etc. —, ‘Composite scales are socio-psychologic rating scales generally used for qualitative Measures and, discriminate people with different attribute, perception, fears, motives, personality traits, ang, needs that are often incorporated into interviews or questionnaires., , This chapter discusses some of the commonly used composite scales generally used by the, nurses to measure the socio-psychologic issues related to nursing care, such as Likert Scale, , and semantic differential scale., , Likert Scale, , Likert scale was named after a psychologist Rensis Likert, who developed it in 1932 as, , psychologic concept measurement scale. Likert scale is one of the most commonly used scal, ing techniques. It was developed to measure the attitudes, values, and feelings of people., , Primarily original version of this scale was developed with five-point scale (strongly agree,, agree, uncertain, disagree, and strongly disagree) containing the mixture of positive and negative, a regarding measuring variables. However, in recent times, one can, even observe the Likert scale with four points (strongly agree, moderately agree, disagree, and, uncertain) to seven points (very strongly agree, strongly agree, agree, uncertain, disagree, strongly, disagree, and very strongly disagree) scaling categories. An example of five points’ Likert’s scale, may be perused from Table 9.3., , Definitions, , ee, ikert scale is a composite measurement scale used to measure attitude, values, and feelings of, , e that involve summation of s m the set of positive and negative declarative state, which respondents are asked to indicate their degree of, , * ments regarding measuring variables to, , agisementor disagreement ~~, , ac A:, , TABLE 9.3 Example of Five-point Likert Scale to Assess the Attitude with HIV/AIDS, , , , , , , , Strongly Disagree, , , , Disagree, , , , Statement, , , , , , 1. Person with multiple sex partners is at, high risk of AIDS, , , , , , 3. You may get HIV by sharing needles with others, , , , , 5. One way of the getting AIDS is infected blood transfusion, , , , , , Nate: Please ticki/)in appropriate columen for enh statement