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VEFINTTIONS, TIONS OD, , INTRODUCTION, , arch problem i i ;, * i on Dice Te that a researcher wants to answer or a problem that a re- Bah process Sowa. poe eee of a research problem is the first step, . , nsidered as one of the most challenging and diffi, ‘ ; " ‘ ifficul, phases of any. research project. It is believed that selection of a good rese : i bl fi, ee ey} g search problem is a, tee e . oe problem depends on several factors, such as researcher’s knowledge, oY) _ Fe se, ee and creativity with respect to the subject of inquiry. In, al : tea “ een s to lee that a selected problem has high significance and implical sion as we i ¢ i i, - aa as it should be a suitable, feasible, testable, and solvable, It is Sa a of the good research studies need lots of time for selection of a research problem. tially, every researcher faces the predicament of identifying, selecting, and, formulating a good research problem. This chapter will answer these pertinent questions., , DEFINITIONS, , Aresearch problem is an enigmatic, troubling area or topic that needs an enquiry to get better understanding, or ultimate solution. For example, solution of female feticide in India could be an enigmatic or troubling topic, of the present time, and it could become one of the important research problems; however, there could be, many more such problems that researcher may consider to study., , According to Kerlinger, ‘A FE a eore ait provide WTA that asks what relation exists, between two or more variables. The answer to questions-wil rovide what is having sought in the research., Be ae ees, , R. S. Woodworth defines problem as ‘a situation for which we have no ready and successful response by, , instinct or by previous acquired habit. We must find out what to do’, ie. the solution can be found out only, , after an investigation., __ Inother words, ‘a research problem is an area of concern where there is a gap in the knowledge base needed, , ee Pp rofessional practices’. :, he research problem and problem statement are frequently seen as synonymous, but, wo aspects are really quite different. A problem statement is not merely a research, r purpose of the study, but it is a well-structured formulation of what actually the, , what is not well understood, and what is lacking which is to be discovered to, m. Problem statement, especially in quantitative studies, generally has six, YQ 0 © |, Vorialte ; 1 oputel:, ee >, , Grup j, lem to be addressed and indicates, ament. In other words, the problem