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onsuring SAMPING frame, , oe, , tho Sampling unit, , Spool lying sampla.selection mothods, , “a a, , Spooltyir, , ———, , Determining the sample size, , ener, , hei nena 5 lg, , , , , , , , , , Specifying the sampling plan, , FIGURE 8.2 Stages of the sampling process, , , , , , , , sible to have access of.each subject included in the target population. Therefore, researcher, must establish cription about the accessible population, which is readily available for, addition, after establishing a complete description of the accessible popula, , , ° Describing the accessible population and ensuring sampling frame: It is not always pos, , , , , ling unit: Next, the researcher must establish the specific inclusion and_, , _ exclusion criteria to select a particular sampling unit. Therefore, specifying the sampling, nits helps the researcher eliminate the confusion while the selection of the sample., , Specifying sample selection methods: It is one of the important stages of the sampling, 6céSs, where the researcher decides whether sample will be drawn from the population, ig probability or nonprobabili sampling techniques. Selection of the specific, [ for selection of the sample depends on several factors, such as types of populad of phenomenon under study, and availability of resources and knowledge of the, , , , , , , , uple size: It is very essential to determine the size of sample, so that, ae © ve 7, , D the implementation of the ing -process.accordingly.., , a particular sample, the researcher must, , an be. implemented without any