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CHAPTER 7: MS POWERPOINT: BASIC EDITING IN POWERPOINT, , 8, , a, , , , , , an follow the above steps to perform Copy-Paste also. The only difference is that instead of Cut you, | “scot Copy from the Home tab, or press Ctrl + C keys instead of Ctrl + X., 2, , oan also move and copy text from one slide to another slide., ing Find and Replace in PowerPoint, qmetimes you need to locate or change a word or a phrase. If the presentation has many slides then, pere are chances of not spotting it easily. Like other Microsoft Office programs, we can use the Find, sommand to search for a particular word or phrase and the Replace command to change that word or, , phrase., , , , (a) Find dialog box (b) Replace dialog box, Figure 7.7 - Find and Replace dialog boxes, , ‘Let us find the word “Asteroid” in our presentation and replace it with “Planetoid”., (1) Select Find from the Home tab or press Ctrl.+ F keys together. The Find dialog box is displayed., , (2) Type the word “Asteroid” in the Find what box andclickon the Find Next button. The word “Asteroid”, appears selected on the “Parts of Our Solar System” slide., , (3) Click on the Replace button. The Replace dialog box displays., , (4) Type the word “Planetoid” in the Replace with box and click on the Replace button. The word, “Asteroid” changes to “Planetoid”., , Parts of Our Solar System Parts of Our polar System, , ---------------------- “0------------------------ oO, , ¢, 3, , ¢ Nine Planets, * Satellites, and, , * Other heavenly bodies like Planetoids, Comets, and Meteors, , ¢ Nine Planets, Satellites, and, Other heavenly bodies like Rageeolds, Comets, , 1, 1, 1, ', 1, V, 1, , ;, ?, |, , O------------------------- 0------------------------ <, , 6-------------0------------, , , (a) Find ‘Asteroid’ (b) Replace with 'Planetoid’, Figure 7.8 - ‘Asteroids’ replaced with ‘Planetoids', , SP