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§) V-TECH® COMPUTER EDUCATION Mob: 9234779788, 9534983185 (Q, , Ww-TECH®, , MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION & COMPUTER EDUCATION, Govt of India Regd. No. 1794210 Labour Department Regd. No.- PT/2017/104078, [A Complete Computer H/W, S/W, Networking & Third Eye Activation Training Center_|, , , , , , Study Center Name, Seal with Address., , , , DCA+DTP - VOL-1, , Computer Fundamental, , , , , , , , , By, R. Narayanan, , STUDENT'S NAME, , , , ROLL, , , , BATCH TIME, , , , , , ADDRESS, , 1. IAS Colony, Road No-2, Sadbhawana Nagar, Nayachak, Patna - 800030, Mob: 9234779788 (Talk Time - 7 AM to 7 PM), , 2. K-181, V-TECH COMPUTER EDUCATION Kali Mandir Road, Hanuman Nagar,, Kankarbagh , Patna Mob: 9234779788 (Talk Time - 7 AM to 7 PM), , 3, V-TECH TYPING CENTER 4a1 32a ict weit 4, qeren ait aR, Yea, Mob: 8051143613 (Talk Time - 7 AM to 7 PM), , 4, BO KANKARBAGH, PATNA-800020 (BIHAR) Mob: 9234779788, 9534983185 ©, , Scanned with CamScanner
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$> V-TECH® COMPUTER EDUCATION Mob: 9234779788, 9534983185 (@, , DCA (Diploma In Computer Application ) Duration :90 Hrs., , , , 1. Computer Fundamental, MS-DOS, , MS-Windows, Accessories Group, MS-Word 2007, , Test Examination, MS-Excel 2007, MS-Power Point 2007, 9.MS-Access 2007, , 10. Networking(LMW), 11, ConvertVideoto 3GP, , 12. Copy Data ComtoM Card, , 13. Printing, , 14. Internet, , 15. Multimedia., , 16. Scanning., , 17. Typing Test, , 18. CD-Writing, , Free D.T.P. Packages, , 19. Photoshop, , 20. Pagemaker, , 21. Microsoft Equation, 22. Corel Equation, , 23. Real Work, , 24 Final Examination, , Study Duration — : 3Months~., , Qualification : Matric, , , , ONOaARWN, , , , , , , , , , Certification, C. Duration, , Placement Scopes: Con puter Op, for presently working employees, Data Entry Operator, Office Assistant,, , CPT (FCI, ESIC, SSC, Bank [Clerk & P.O.]) etc., Examination : 1% Term : Computer Fundamental, MS-DOS, MS-Windows, MS-Word , , , erator in all public and private sectors as well as upgradation, , 200 Marks, 50 questions, Time - 35 Minutes., Final Diploma : MS-Office, Internet, Scanning, Printing, 50 questions,, Time- 35 Minutes., Note:- Student who do not secure 75 % marks in 1* Term Examination, will not be allowed to appear in final examination conducted by Head, Office., , Certification ; Minimum qualifying marks for certificate requisition is 75 % Marks in all, , examination., , , , 2, 8 KANKARBAGH, PATNA-800020 (BIHAR) Mob: 9234779788, 9534983185 O%, , Scanned with CamScanner
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§ V-TECH® COMPUTER EDUCATION Mob: 9234779788, 9534983185 (CQ, Computer works on IPO mechanism., , , , INPUT |= > |PROCESS | = LOUTEUT, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Data: It 48 a codkection of facts and figures which has no meaning when, codlected., , Input (Datal: input 48 the raw znformation entered into a computer, from the Anput devices. It 4s the set of Letters, numbers, Amages etc., , Information: Processed data is cakled information., Characters: It is the set of keys of a keyboard that is catted characters., , Process: In computer system processed ald data in ASCII code through, binary number system. Or,, , Process is the operation of data as per gaven Anstruction. It 2s totakly, enternak process of the computer system., , Output : Output 4s the Processed data given by computer after data, processing. Output 4s also catted as_Residt, We can save these resudts in, the storage devices for the future use’ AS, , IN Nee Pag, , , , , , , , L information L nterchange., , + ASCIL = American Standay, , ASCII codes, A- 65.\\ 0-48, B- 6) 1-49, C - 67 2 2-50, Number System: Base, , 1. Binary Nymber System - O, 1 =, , 2. Octal Number System- 0,1,2,9 $,5,6,7 =8, 3. Decimak MS. - OME IRAN DP .Ou7, =10, #. Hexadecimad WS. - 0 to 9, AB,CDE,F =16, , bit, A 65= 01000001 — A, , ul l, A -_Of 100000) -|CPU\- A, , , , , , , , , , , , 4, 8 KANKARBAGH, PATNA-800020 (BIHAR) Mob: 9234779788, 9534983185 (4, , Scanned with CamScanner