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I & II Semester, Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology, 1FY2-03/ 2FY2-03: Engineering Chemistry, SN, CONTENTS, Water:, Eemmen impurities, hardness, determination of hardness by complexometric, (EDTA method), Degree of hardness, Units-of hardness, Munieipal water supply: Requisite-of drinking water, Purification of water;, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, breakpoint chloriņation., Boiler troubles: Scale and Sludge formation, Internal treatment methods,, Priming and Foaming, Boiler corrosion and Caustic embrittlement, 1, softening;, Lime-Soda, Zeolite, (Permutit), process,, Water, Demineralization process., Numerical problems based, process,, on Hardness, EDTA, Lime-Soda and Zeolite, process., Organic Fuels:, Solid fuels: Coal, Classification of Ceal, Proximate and Ultimate analyses of, coal and its significance, Gross and Net Calorific value, Determination of, Calorific value of coal by Bomb Calorimeter. Metallurgical coke, Carbonization, processes; Otto-Hoffmann by-product oven method., Liquid fuels: Advantages of-liquid fuels, Mining; Refining and Composition of, petroleum, Cracking, Synthetic petrol, Reforming, Knocking, Octane number,, 2, Anti-knocking agents,-Cetane number, Gaseous fuels; Advantages, manufacturing, composition and Calorifie value of, Eeal gas and-eil gas, Determination of calorific value of gaseous fuels by, Junker's calorimeter, Numerical problems based, calorimeter/Junkers calorimeter/Dulongs formula, proximate.. analysis &, ultimate and combustion of fuel., determination of calorific value (bomb, on, Corrosion and its control:, Definition and significanee of cerrosion, Mechanism of chemical (dry) and, electrochemical (wet) corrosion, galvanie corrosioa, concentration-corrosion, 3, and pitting coFFesion., Protection from corrosion; protective coatings-galvanization and tinning,, cathodic protection, sacrificial anode and modifications in design., Engineering Materials:, Portland Cement; Definition, Manufacturing by Rotary kiln. Chemistry of, setting and hardening of cement. Role of Gypsum., Glass: Definition, Manufacturing by tank furnace, significance of annealing,, 4, Types and properties of soft glass,-hard-glass, borosilicate-glass, glass-wool,, safety glass, Lubricants: Classification, Mechanism, Properties; Viscosity and viscosity, index, flash and fire point, cloud and pour point. Emulsification-and-stean, Scheme & Syllabus of First Year B. Tech. effective for Session 2020-21 only, Page 5