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Chromosome, , Awell organised package or bundle of DNA and protein. Process of forming chromosomes by Packaging, of DNA is called condensation. Condensation process is completed in the prophase in M phase of Cell, cycle. Inter-phase (all stages of cell cycle except M phase) structures are called chromatin. More, condensed non functional part is called hetero chromatin. Less condensed functional part is called, euchromatin., , , , Functional part of a chromosome/DNA is called gene. Gene synthesise proteins which are functional, molecules. Protein coding genes are around 1-2 % of total genome. Non coding DNA also have very, important roles in Gene regulation, , Homologous Chromosomes, , Paternal and maternal chromosomes present in the same locus or position is called homologous, chromosome, , Sister chromatids, Identical copies of DNA present in the same chromosome after S phase, , Chromosome, , BORER, , omens, Teeeae,
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Haploid — single set of chromosome, , ie, , Diploid — Double set of chromosome, one paternal and maternal chromosome are present on same, , Haploid, , position, , Polyploidy —more than two set of chromosomes such as triploid, tetraploid. ..ete, , Homologous, il Hil WA chromosomes, 4 2 3, , 3, Diploid Triploid Tetraploid, , Mitosis (Equation Division), , Chromosome number of daughter cells is equal to chromosome number of mother cell., 2 daughter cells are formed, Maintain same chromosome number in all somatic cells in the individual., , Help in growth, Wound healing, and replace destroyed cells, , Meiosis (Reduction Division), , Chromosome number of daughter cells is half of the chromosome number of mother cells, , 4 daughter cells are formed
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Maintain chromosome number same in all generations in same species, , Help in gamete production, , , , Mitosis Meiosis, , Somatic Cells — Diploid cells found in different body parts, which are formed by mitosis of a diploid, , parent cells, , Gametes — Haploid cells exclusively for sexual reproduction, Which are formed by meiosis of a diploid, , cells, , Genes — A locus in a chromosome (DNA in Mol bio.) which control a character, , Allele - Alternative forms of a Gene found in a population, , Character - Recognizable feature, which helps in the identification of the organism., Eg:- height, , Trait — Differential expression of same character in different individuals of a population, Eg:- Tall, Dwarf, , Genotype - Set of genes responsible for a character or trait, , Phenotype — External expression of a character, , Tall—TT/ Tt, , Dwarf — tt
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Dominant and recessive trait — When two contrasting trait join together one trait will be expressed, , and the other will be hidden expressed, , Homozygous and Heterozygous, , In a diploid individual, each character is controlled by a pair of maternal and paternal genes or locus. If, both locus same allele, it is called homozygous and if both locus have different, it is called heterozygous., , Homozygous dominant — TT, Heterozygous — Tt, , Homozygous recessive - tt, , Monohybrid Cross, , Study of inheritance of a single character or locus of interest from one generation to next is called, monohybrid cross Eg: Cross between tall and Dwarf, , Di-hybrid Cross, , Study of inheritance of two character or locus of interest from one generation to next is called di-hybrid, cross Eg: Cross between Tall red and Dwarf white, , Mendelian Inheritance, , Mono—Hybrid Cross, , Tall x Dwarf, 1T i Phenotypicratio—3:1, @) Cc) Genotypicratio— 1:2:1, Tt, Tall Plant, Tt xTt, , ~~ Do, OO «OW, , \ et, T Tt Tt tt
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Law of Dominance, , (i) Characters are controlled by discrete units called factors., , (ii) Factors occur in pairs., , (iii) In a dissimilar pair of factors one member of the pair dominates (dominant) the other (recessive), , Law of segregation, , During gametogenesis Pairs of alleles on a same locus segregate ( separate) together. Each allele goes to, each gamete.( Metaphase 1), , , , en a, ', T tT, iS ere, Anaphase i Anaphase, | | | |, Dihybrid cross Genotypic ration, = ~<a a, ea ) aa, * Ty | See, canes ft ® :, , , , (Fr generation found low, , , , , , , , , , , , he, iy