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CLASS- +1 MARCH- 2022 (TERM-II) M.M- 35, Time- 2Hrs, , Note- Each question carries 1 marks:, , 1. What is the value of universal gravitational constant?, , 2. What is geo-stationary satellite?, , 3. Define kepler's 2™ law., , 4, What is the SI unit of strain?, , 5. Define Pascal's law., , 6. What do you mean by latent heat of a substance? What are its units?, , 7. Give the statement of Newton's law of cooling?, , 8. State first law of thermodynamics., , 9. On what factors internal energy of an ideal gas depend?, , 10. What do you mean by degrees of freedom of a system?, , 11. Define Boyle's law, , 12. What is the effect on time period of oscillations of a body attached to a spring if the, spring is cut to half of its length?, , 13. What is the time period of a second's pendulum?, , Note- Each question carries 2 marks:, , 14. Why steel is more elastic than rubber?, 15. What are the two essential conditions for the adiabatic change?, 16. State postulates of kinetic theory of gases?, , Note- Each question carries 3 marks:, , 17. What is the difference between transverse wave and longitudinal wave?, Or, Damped oscillations and Undamped Oscillations?, , 18. Show that the value of acceleration due to gravity decreases with a height?, , Or, Velocity of a satellite which is revolving at a height of 36000 km from the surface of, earth?, , 19. Discuss the principle of refrigerator and calculate is coefficient of performance., Or, Calculate the least amount of work that must be done to freeze one gram of water at, 0° C by means of a refrigerator. Temp. of surroundings is 27” C. How much heat is, passed on to the surroundings in this process?, , 20. Find displacement, velocity and acceleration of a body possessing SHM and draw the, graph of y, v & A vs time t., Or, , What are undamped and damped oscillations? Give at least | example of each. Draw, the graphs of displacement (y) versus time (t) in these two types of oscillations., , Note- Each question carries 5 marks, , 21. State and prove Bernoulli's theorem., Or, Define ascent's formula.