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Ministerial Foreword, The Department of Basic Education remains steadfastly committed, to innovative strategies aimed at enhancing learner attainment., Consistent with the government's commitment in promoting the, indigenous languages that form the tapestry of our democratic, landscape, this Mind the Gap Self study guide is a concrete, demonstration of this commitment., The release of this self-study guide incorporates all the official, African Home Languages focusing on the novel genre at this stage., Not only does the study guide incorporate the African languages, but, it also incorporates South African Sign Language Home Language,, Afrikaans Home Language and English First Additional Language., The Mind the Gap Literature Self Study Guide is responding to the, broader sectoral reading challenges that the country is experiencing., It seeks to strengthen the following strands of the National Reading, Sector Plan: Teacher Development and Support; Direct Learner, Support; and Provisioning and Utilisation of the Learning and, Teaching Support Materials. Its interactive nature will make it easier, Matsie Angelina Motshekga, MP, Minister of Basic Education, for both teachers and learners to read, to learn or study. It is hoped, that through this Study Guide, the reading and learning outcomes, will be achieved., Key terminologies are explained or illustrated in a simplified manner, and examples of the types of questions as a learner you may expect, to be asked in an examination, are included in this study guide. In, order to build your understanding, specific questions and possible, responses forms part of the study guide package., The study guide is designed to appeal to any learner offering Grade, 12, whether as a part-time or a full-time candidate. Educators in the, field will also find it an invaluable resource in their practice., Every learner is a national asset, all you need now is to put in the, hours required to prepare for the examinations and excel!, We wish each and every one of you good luck and success., exqatuy, MRS AM MOTSHEKGA, MP, MINISTER, DATE: 14 NOVEMBER 2019