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f © deg oO, , COURSE-IV & V (GROUP D) Opt. (i): PEDAGOGY OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES, , Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100, Z (Theory: 80, Internal: 20), , NOTE FOR PAPER SETTER +, , i) Paper setter will set 9 questions in all, out of which students will be required to attempt 5, questions., , ii) Q. No. 1 will be compulsory and will carry 16 marks. There will be 4 short-answer type, questions of 4 marks each to be selected from the entire syllabus., , iii) Two long answer type questions will be set from each of the four units, out of which the, students will be required to attempt one question from each unit. Long-answer type, questions will carry 16 marks each. ‘, , iv) All questions will carry equal marks., , , , , , , , , , OBJECTIVES, After completion of the course, student teachers will be able to:, ® acquaint them with the teachings of physical sciences, e develop awareness about developments in the area of teaching and learning of physical, sciences, e understand the methods and skills of teaching physical sciences, e develop competencies to teach at various levels in the Indian school conditions, © prepare a lesson plan, e acquiring skills relating to planning the lessons and presenting them effectively, e develop scientific thinking in themselves, students and communities, e understand the importance of educational technology for teaching physical sciences, e understand the techniques of evaluating science teaching and to construct an, achievement test to assess the learning outcomes of pupils, e estimate the facilities required for the organization and maintenance of science, laboratory, © understand the special qualities ef a science teacher and to acquire those qualities, , ¢ acquire a favourable scientific temper towards science teaching and values, COURSE CONTENT, , UNIT-1, Importance of Teachings of Physical Sciences, e Nature, Concept & Scope of Physical Sciences and its Place in the School Curriculum., e History of Physical Sciences with special emphasis on Teaching of Physical Science., , e Aims and Objectives of Teaching Physical Sciences., = Differentiate between the terms ‘Aims’ and ‘Objectives’.
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a, , * Aims of teaching Physical Sciences at Middle, Secondary and Senior Secondary, stages., * Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives., * Instructional Objectives of teaching Physical Sciences at the school stage and their, formulation., Physical Science Teacher: Qualities & Responsibilities., Need for Professional Orientation., , UNIT -2, , Approaches & Methods of Teaching Physical Sciences, , Development of Teaching Skills through Micro Teaching (Probing Questions,, Introducing the Lesson, Explaining, Illustration with Examples, Using Chalkboard and, Stimulus Variation)., , Methods of teaching Physical Sciences (Lecture cum Demonstration method, Project, method and Problem Solving method)., Aids, Equipments and Assistance in teaching Physical Sciences:, , * Need and utilities of Physic Sciences Laboratory., , * Preparation and use of Teaching Aids., , * Unit and Lesson Planning., , = Popularization and Propagation of Physical Sciences through Science Exhibition,, , Science Magazine, Science Trip and Science Quiz., , E-teaching of Physical Sciences using technology for self-learning and collaborative, learning of science, , UNIT-3, , Pedagogical Analysis of contents in Physical Sciences, , Contents Analysis, Pedagogical Analysis and their comparison., Study of items: Division of units into sub-units, Teaching requirements, Instructional, objectives, Teaching strategies, Previous knowledge testing, Topic announcement,, Concepts of contents, Presentation, Teaching aids use, Demonstration experimental, verification, Thought provoking questions and Criterion based tests., Pedagogical analysis of any one of the following topics:, = Atomic Structure, = Energy and its types, Environment and Pollution, Water as a Universal Solvent, Transmission of Heat, Magnetism, Friction, , ‘
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—5 Yr, , UNIT-4, Evaluating Outcomes of Physical Sciences Teaching, Indicators of Quality Learning and Major Issues in Classroom Learning with special, reference to Physical Sciences., Concept of Test, Measurement and Evaluation. *, Differentiate between the terms ‘Examination’ and ‘Evaluation’., Qualities of a good test, Principles and steps in construction of an achievement test, Blue, Print and Question Paper, Item analysis, Construction of multiple choice questions,, Diagnostic test, Remedial teaching in physical sciences., Continuous and comprehensive evaluation, Formative and summative assessment,, Grading pattern., Selection of appropriate evaluation technique., , Task & Assignments: Any one of the following (10 marks), , Preparation of Unit Plan and two lesson plans on any topic of Physical Science included, in the Science text book of secondary school., , Write Book Review on any two books in Physical Sciences., , Write Review on Science Exhibition, Science Trip, Science Fair, Science Fiction Movie, and Scientific Environment of Class., , Preparation of a unit/ achievement test on any topic by developing the Blue Print and the, test items conforming to the blue print. ., , Preparation of a model / tool / device based on any principle of Physical Sciences., , Any other project/assignment given by the institution., , SUGGESTED READINGS, , Gupta, S.K. (1985). Teaching of Physical Science in Secondary Schools. New Delhi:, Sterling Publications (Pvt.) Limited., , Joshi, D. (2012).Methodology of Teaching Science. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley, (India) Pvt. Ltd., , Mangal, S.K. (2009). Teaching of Physical Scientes. New Delhi: Arya Book Depot., Pandey.(2003). Major Issues in Science Teaching. New Delhi: Sumit Publications., Radha, M.(2010). Teaching of Physical Science. New Delhi: Neelkamal Publishers., Rahi, A.S. (2012). Pedagogy in Physical Sciences and Teachers. U.S:Createspace, Publications., , Sharma, R.C. (2006). Modern Science Teaching. New Delhi: Dhanpat Rai Publications., Sonika, R.(2012), Methodology of Teaching Science. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley, (India) Pvt. Ltd., , Sood, J.K. (1992). New directions in Science Teaching. Chandigarh: Kohli Publishers., Vanaja, M. (2010). Educational Technology. New Delhi: Neelkamal Publishers.