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SEMESTER |, , Course Code - MED 01, ADVANCED PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION, (Instructional hours — 90), , Objectives, 1. To understand the nature of education as a discipline, 2. To examine the philosophical origin of educational theory and practice, 3. To analyse critically various schools of philosophy and vision of great thinkers, and also their educational implications, 4. To enable the student to develop a philosophical outlook towards educational, problems., , Course content, MODULE 1. Education as a field of study, , Basic aspects of Education — Indian and western, Concepts of Education — Education, as a process - Origin and development of Education as a discipline - education as, pedagogic science - Interdisciplinary nature of education; relationships with disciplines, such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, political science, economics and, anthropology — Education as an act of Teaching — Teaching as a profession, , (16 hours), MODULE 2. Education and Philosophy, Philosophy as a subject of study — its meaning and definition — significance of, philosophy in education Major areas of Philosophy —Axiology, Metaphysics, Epistemology and their role in education., , (10 hours), MODULE 3. Indian Schools of philosophy, , The Orthodox and Heterodox schools of philosophy —Upanishads, Sankhya, Yoga,, Nyaya, Vysesikha, Utharameemamsa, Poorva meemamsa — Budhism, Jainism and, Charvaka — its axiological, metaphysical and epistemological aspects and their, educational implicaytions - Educational thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath, Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, Gandhiji and J Krishnamurthi — Educational implications of, , Page 19 of 195, , , , 19, , Bhagavat Gita., (30 hours), , MODULE 4. Western Schools of Philosophy, , Axiological metaphysical and epistemological aspects of idealism, humanism, realism, naturalism, pragmatism and Existentialism and its educational implications —Educational ideas of Rousseau, Dewey and Friere - educational implications of Quran, and Bible, , (20 hours), MODULE 5. Social Schools of philosophy, , Educational implications of Individualism, Democracy, Socialism Totalitarianism and, Communism.