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Expand the following idea in about 80-100, words:, ‘A Man is known by the company he keeps", , Ans: Man is a social animal, By nature, he cannot, , 2., , Ans:, a., , b., , live alone. He always secks the company of, other people for the satisfaction of his needs., A man is usually judged by the kind of people, he associates with, because to some extent, a, person’s tastes and preferences are influenced, by the tastes and preferences of the people he, spends time with., , For example, if a child is studious and likes, reading books and studying, he would make, friends who have similar interests, Thus, a, person's nature, likes, dislikes and preferences, can be judged from the kind of people, he, keeps company with., , i. Expand the following ideas:, , a. Dishonesty never pays in the long run,, , b. = The hand that rocks the cradle rules, the world, , Dishonesty never pays in the long run, , It is true that dishonesty never pays in the long, run. We are all aware of the famous saying, that ‘Honesty is the best policy’. One should, always be honest in life. Dishonest people, may succeed in life, but the success will only, be short lived. In the long run, they always pay, the price for their dishonesty. A person, who, is not truthful, is bound to make mistakes and, as soon as it gets revealed, he stands to lose, everybody’s trust. Therefore, being honest is a, better decision, as it assurcs a good reputation, along with a good name,, , The hand that rocks the cradle rules the, world., , Parents are a child’s first teachers, A child, learns his first Iessons of life whilst in their, care. Later, a teacher takes over, followed by, friends, life situations and finally life and, circumstances teach a person lessons for life., All the while, parents play a silent yet crucial, role, They care for and nurture their child as, he walks the path of life. Finally, when the, child grows up‘to be somcone of worth in his, life, very often he forgets his parents, his, , , , 3., , Ans:, , Ans:, a., , , , a, constant silent companions on the journey of |, life who brought him to that place of, importance. They are the one who should get a, lion's share of credit for his success. Many, great people have attributed their SUCCESS to, their parents. Hence, its said that the hand, that rocks the cradle rules the world., , Expand the following idea in two paragraphs;, ‘There is no place like home’, , There is no place like home, After my final exams lust year, | went to a, summer camp in Dalhousie. It was a muchneeded break as the school year had been a, long and busy onc. Between my studies and, extra-curricular activities, I barely had any, time for myself. So, the summer camp, seemed like a perfect opportunity to have, some fun before the next school year began., The first week was amazing. | enjoyed all the, activities that were lined up for us. But by the, end of the second week, I started feeling, homesick. I called my parents to tell them |, was missing them and that I couldn't wait to, get home. It’s weird that all year long | was, waiting to get away from home, and now that, I finally was, all I wanted was to go back. |, was longing for the comfort of my home and, a home-cooked meal. 1 missed telling my, mom about my day and playing scrabble with, my parents every night. It was such a relic!, when | finally got home after three long, wecks., I guess, there is indeed no place like home., , , , i. Expand the given ideas in about, 80-100 words:, , a. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, , b. Perseverance is the key to success, , Cleanliness is next to Godliness, , ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ is a famous, proverb, The proverb conveys the message, that maintaining cleanliness is a good habit, and it brings positivity in our life, Here, the, term ‘cleanliness’ doesn’t limit itself to just, the act of cleaning one’s body, but also, keeping the mind and the soul calm and, peaceful. This would definitely help a person, to achieve success in life. Moreover,, maintaining cleanliness — internally and, externally helps us to develop our personality.
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Cleanliness also means’ keeping our, environment clean, as it would lead to a, healthy surrounding and a hygienic living, place for all living beings. This would in tun, reduce the spread of disease and thus, ensure a, healthy life. It is true when people say that a, clean self and a clean environment help to, bring a person closer to God., , Perseverance is the key to success, Perseverance means tirelessly doing, something, despite the difficulties or delay in, the results. The road to success is’ full of, hurdles and we can only achieve success if we, don’t let the obstacles slow us down., , The qualities of determination, discipline and, dedication are the pillars of perseverance., Success is a long and tiring journey, which, requires a lot of hard work and patience., Indeed, the fruits of success are sweet. If we, learn to enjoy our work and remain patient, we, will unlock the path to success with the key of, perseverance.