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Ans. Wanda’s neutral face and unusual behaviour, made Peggy believe that she was too dumb to, understand the insult. She changed her opinion when, she saw the beauti ful, artistic designs made by Wanda., No dumb girl could make such grand designs., , Q. 4. What important decision did Maddie, make ? Why did she have to think hard to do so ?, , Ans. Maddie made a very important decision. She, decided that in future, she was not just going to be a, dumb spectator if she saw someone teasing another, person. Maddie had to think hard to reach the decision, because the decision required a lot of moral courage., It might also mean loss of Peggy’s friendship to her., , Q. 5. Why do you think Wanda gave Maddie, and Peggy the drawings of the dresses ? Why are, they surprised ?, , Ans. The dresses that Wanda gave Maddie and, Peggy were not ordinary designs. They showed Peggy, and Maddie also as wearing the dresses. So, they were, very personal gifts. It was Wanda’s way of saying that, though, the girls had teased her, she forgave them., The act puts Wanda above Peggy and Maddie is, goodness., , Q. 6. Do you think Wanda really thought the, girls wore teasing her ? Why or why not ?, , Ans. Wanda was not dumb, she could understand, that the girls were teasing her. Her father’s letter, indicates that she must have told him about the teasing., "Interestingly, though, she seems to have forgiven, _ them. Her gifts show this.