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Modal Auxiliaries, , Modals, , Notions / Mood, , Can, May, Must, , Ability, capacity, know how to, power, capability, skill, possibility, probability, permission, wish, purpose, guess, necessity, obligation, compulsion, legal duty, obligation, all possibility,, surety, certainty, logical inference, order, , Shall/ will, , Futurity ( I/ we = shall , you , he, she, it, they, name= will), Modal = promise , intention , threat , warning , determination , command, ( I/ we = will , you, he, she, it, they, name= shall), remote possibility, polite request, past habit, advice, suggestion, moral duty/ obligation, , Might, Wou ld, Should/ ought to, Need not, Dare not, Mustn' t, , not necessary, not compulsory, have no courage, lack of courage, Prohibition, You must not drive without fastening seat belt., , Used to, , past habit
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Exercises, Exercise 1.Fill in the blanks with suitable medals given blow, (can, should, may, might, must, could), (1) Everybody... ......... follow the rules and regulations of the country., (2) This seat is vacant. You .. ......... sit here., , (3) The weather is cold. We ............ have a snowfall., (4) You ............ not make a noise in the class., , Ans.:- {1) must {2) may {3) may (4) shall, Exercise 2.Fill in the blanks with suitable medals given blow.[sec. Board Exams : 2014], (can , should, may, might, must, could), (i) The barking of the dog made me run as fast as I ......... ., (ii) I think the guide ...... take us around the old monument., (iii) My brother who is a wrestler ....... lift this big pole., (iv)You ....... come to bungalow whenever you wish., , Answer: (i) could, , (ii) should, , (iii) can, , (iv) may