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5 coning cost, + Designing costumes, , . of thinking:, + Differences 110 the mode of th, , old and new generauon, , + Reality and reel, , H {ate, ‘The teacher can logically IC, , , consol, , the debate., jons in, Possible answers to the questo, , the Coursebook, 1. Making films with animals., , Two examples are given to support the, One is the example of, , topic sentence., : od Rin-tin-tin and the, , an Alsatian calle, other one a Collie called Lassies., , 2. No. The animal actors of Hollywood, have stand-ins., , + A stand-in is a person who is, physically similar to the real star., , « When the cameraman asked everyone, to take their position, the dog remained, where it was., , + Even the animal-actors in Hollywood, have stand-ins and a great reverence, was given to them as famous actors., 3. Alfred Hitchcock wanted birds as, actors. It was difficult to get trained, ravens as actors., , 4. He gave notice in the newspapers, all over the United States to get trained, tavens., , 5. It was pretty impressive to watch as, fifty ravens were told to perch quietly, , in a row on a specified spot and all of, them obeyed the commands of the, , trainer., , , , 7. The tiger simply walks abou ‘A, Ip, [he hero and "th,, hetoj ing, , forest., ft ightened on secing the tiger, &t, , g, Raya ipproached the Tami] man, , of Bharath circus who was ne ‘ Mabe,, ale, , at that ume. Ut, 9, The ringmaster is a person Who i,, charge of the performances made bys ., , animals in a circus., , 10. The uger had to be set free ; si, bamboo grove. The trainer was dts, , be seen with the tiger., , 11. Hopes or plans wasted; Ig., , irrecoverably., , 12. Mr Thorat’s suggestion was to tic 4, wire around the tiger’s neck which, , should be thin but strong., 13. He thought so because the neck, could be flattened by the wire and it, might spoil the scene., , 14. He brought two tigers because if one, of them was not good enough, they, could use the other., , 15. He was taken aback because the, tiger behaved in an unexpected manner., , 16. It might become distracted on, seeing the huge crowd outside., , 17. It was like watching a new, strange, kind of circus., , 18. One might think that shooting the, Sequence with the tiger was successful., Ray says that the story does not end, there as he had to shoot the sequences, again.
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: 7 19. To shoot the scene again., , 20. The uger emerged from the cage, with a loud roar and charged at th, , ¢, , villagers., , 21. It was required to come out of the, bamboo grove and walk over to the, , spot that was chosen., , 22. They realised that the shot came, nicely.
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Lrocaulons, , Possible answer Acti wit a, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Shooting at Notun Gram Shooting at Boral ~~ ~~, Found a suitable bamboo grove in Notun Found a bamboo grove near Calcutta, Gram. Boral. |, A lorry arrived with two well-fed tigers. _| The lorry came with the tiger. Mig na, A tripod was placed facing the bamboo | The tiger was brought there with the steq, grove. wire and the special collar. |, , , , The actors were positioned in such a way, that they could be shown along with the, , tiger., , \, , The whole of the village was there., , |, |, |, , |, , , , Fixed a five foot iron rod to the ground, and fixed a long wire at one end of the, , collar of the tiger., , , , —_}, The crowd moved closer to the camera. |, |, , |, , , , When the door opened the tiger pranced, upon the audience., , When the door opened, the tger, emerged with a loud roar and charged at, the villagers., , , , , , When it became calm, the shots were, taken., , , , After that it calmed down and the shot |, was taken.
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Description of the shooting:, , We found a suitable bamboo grove in, Notun Gram. As arranged with Mr., Thorat of Bharat Circus, a lorry, arrived with two well-fed tigers. He, brought two so that if one did not do, things properly the other could be, used. Atripod was placed facing the, bamboo grove to mount the camera., The audience was instructed to get, behind the camera. Goopy and Bagha, were placed close to the bamboo, grove so that they could be seen, along with the tiger. A five-foot iron, rod was fixed to the ground, some 30, feet from the area where the tiger, was to walk. A tiger-skin collar with a, thin wire inside was placed in the, neck of the tiger. The door of the, cage was opened and the tiger, jumped out. But instead of walking, calmly it started running and jumping, about. When it became calm some, shots were taken. But the shots were, later found to be dark owing to poor, light., , The scenes had to be shot a second, time. A bamboo grove near Calcutta, in Boral was found. The lorry arrived, with Thorat, the tiger, the steel wire,, the special collar and the iron rod., The whole village came to watch the, shooting. The villagers were told to, keep at least 70 feet away from the, scene of the shot. Without listening to, the instructions, the entire crowd got, as close to the camera as they could., Thorat opened the cage. With a roar, the tiger charged towards the crowd., The crowd disappeared as if my, magic. Soon the tiger calmed down, and the shots were taken as required., , This time the tiger and the camera, behaved well.
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Activity 2, , Question 2., , Ray and his friends visited the Bharat, Circus camp in Calcutta to hire a tiger, to be filmed for his movie Goopy, Gyne Bagha Byne. He spoke to the, manager of the circus company., What would Ray have spoken?, Attempt a conversation between Ray, and the Manager., , Answer:, , Ray : Good morning, Manager! | am, Ray, Satyajit Ray, a film director., Manager : Good Morning Mr. Ray. |, have heard a lot about you. What, brings you here?, , Ray : | am shooting a film with a tiger, in it. The tiger has only a small role. It, has to be seen along with two of our, actors., , Manager : Well, our ringmaster is Mr., Thorat, a nice gentleman. | will ask, him if it is possible to send our tiger, out on such missions. If he agrees, |, will have no problem. | will definitely, help you., , Ray : Thank you, very, much. | should, meet Mr. Thorat, or will you speak, with him?, , Manager :'l will speak with him first,, and then you can meet him for, making the final arrangement. By the, way, for how long do you want the, tiger?, , Ray : Actually the shooting will be just, for two hours. But then there is the, travelling time. We intend to take the, shots at Notun Gram which is a bit far, from here., , Manager : No problem. Thorat will be, the one to decide finally as he, handles the animals here. But I’m, sure he will agree., , Ray : Thank you very much., , Manger : It's okay.