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l, Character Sketch, The Homeopath in the story ‘The Snake and, the Mirror’, , The homeopathic doctor is the protagonist of the, story The Snake and the Mirror by the, renowned Malayalam writer Vaikom Mohammed, Basheer. The story is a humorous account of the, doctor’s encounter with a cobra. He was a young, and unmarried doctor recently set up his medical, practice, and therefore, his income was very, meagre. He was staying alone in a rented house,, and there were lots of rats to share the room with, him. He was very beauty-conscious and often, lived in the world of dreams. He was very proud, of himself for being a young, handsome bachelor, and a doctor by profession., , He wanted to marry a rich, young woman doctor, having a good medical practice. The doctor was, really a funny character. He wanted his future, wife should be a fat woman. She should not be, able to run after him and catch him if he did any, mistake and wanted to escape from her., , He appeared to be very bold too. Even when a, cobra landed on his shoulder he did not tremble, or cry out. He sat still like a stone image, thinking about the mercy of God. When the snake, left him and moved towards the mirror, he, cleverly made use of the opportunity to escape., The doctor was a jovial person having a good, circle-of-friends. He liked to spend time with, them smoking beedis, discussing various topics,, joking and telling stories. The ‘snake story’ is one, of such stories., , 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 EEE 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 EE EFF FC HCA A 2 2 a aa EE EOE, *