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Reading A, SWISs FAMILY ROBINSON, -, , An, , extract from, , The Robinson, , Family', by Johann David Wyss
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6., Ans., , How did Mr. Robinson manage to, ( Tfar-aa, ATAT fTm, Ta, , Robinson threw stones, , OI dOing all these things as they, are in t i n a b i t, the women, the men are always busy in, hand, other, the, On, remain in homes., for this they have to move, And, their, run, family., earning money to, risk in difficult, home. Thus, they become adapt to take, out from the, and actively engage, to, situation. Hence, the men are fit only explore, , that, , coconuts?, , zAT?CG2017 Set A; 19 Set A, , monkeys who were on the coconut tree, The monkeys copied it and, they picked up the coconuts and threwi, , to them. Thus, , III., , get fresh, , Answer the, , on, , Mr. Robinson got the fresh, coconut., , with the outside world., , following questions:, , Q.1. Describe separately, , the work done, , Robinson in the story., , by Mr. Robinson and Mrs., , Vocabulary, Dased on, , fafay), Ans., , Mr. Robinson's work, , Searched four large barrels and, some long thin boards., Saw the barrels in two halves., Made the little boat with these, , barrels and boards., , Mrs. Robinson's work, , Made supper for the, , Helped in their work., , |Arranged the things to take with, , them, , Managed to take fresh coconuts.|She cooked, and soup., , Q.2., , family., , breakfast of hread, , You may have notic-ame differences hets, , the, , lesson, circle the odd, , one, , out in cach, , row :, , 1.sail, float, (sink), row, , 2.sugarcane, dinner, suppe, meal, 3, 4., , 5., , stream.(tent), small bay, shore, boat, ship, barrel,(raft), , ducks), crows, pigeons, Igeese., , Grammar, , Adverbs of time:, , i n thr, , hlanks, , with, , the appropriate, , adverbs, , of time, , iro"
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Comprehension, , Answer the following questions, , What places does Sumba imagine in the poem ?, Ans. Sumba imagines the following places in poem:, 1. Roads, in front of fences, gates and walls,, 2. Luscious forests,, , golden hills, streams, waterfalls, mountain tops,, , crimson sky, deep and eerie caves, burnt grassland., , 2. FTTR TA, I E TEI, RA, VETEI TfEYi, TEI TIM ATRT, TEd, , 02. What creatures does Sumba imagine in the poem ?, , (C.G. 2017 Set A; 20 Set A), , Ans. Dragon, wolves and bears, spiders, goblin folk., is she just day dreaming ?, Or, ?, real, adventures, Sumba's, Are, ?), fEATFauT, arfaah?aTfrIH6I, R TaTHEHT, , Ans., , Q.4, , Yes, his adventures are real., , Ould you like to only dream, , or experience, of an adventure,, , in reality ?, , (T, Ans., , Iwould like to do the real adventures., , ( TT, , t
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132, , (C. G):, Navbodh English Bharati, What are, , o.5., , ( FaT, , the dreadful, , f7, , bears and, , List the, , Q.6., , Sumba, things that, , that, , talks, , about,, , (C.G 2020, Setp, are- the dragons. wa, about, Sumba talks, , 4ar7% sitai, , Ans. The dreadful things, , Class X, , ati aAT ?), , olve=, , gobbin folks., , qualities, , poem. Which of these qualities,, , Àa-HT, , suggested in, according to you, did Sumba have-, , necessary for, , TUT FAT, , an adventure, , TA T, , as, , ?), , Ans. Sumba had the following qualities, 1. He could hurdle with a bound on fences, gates and walls., , 2. He could walk for miles in search of special places., 3. He could greet the strangers with a smile., 4. He could climb the distant mountain tops., 5. He could face the sleeping dragons., , .7., , What would Sumba do if he, came across walls,, gates *, fences ?, (C. G 2017 Set B; 20 Set, Ans. Sumba could, hurdle with a bound and he, could see all these tn ing, when he came across, walls, gates and fences., . Read the passage given below, and answer the, , questionsS:, , 1., , "Ifany fences, gates or walls, Should rise in front, me, I'l hurdle them withof, such, And see what I can see!" a bound, fences, gates and walls' in, these lines, (a) opportunities, (b) challenges refer to :(C.G. 2020, ()bad luck, , etC
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Textual Comprehension|| 133, Sumba, , ., , plans to, , hurdle' them., 'Hurdle, , here means, (a) welcome, (b) jamp over (CG 2018 Set B; 19 Set C), what I can see' the author (c) overcome, and see, see what, and, 3.By, wants to, as much as I can, say:, (a) I will explore, (b) I will look beyond my wall as far as I can, c)I want to see the road across the wall., , What, , place does Sumba imagine, , (CG 2018 Set A), (a)Normal(6) Adventure, (c) Bad, (d) Lonely, In the, 5Sumba imagines ., poem: (CG 2018 Set C: 19 Set, A), (6) Cats, (a) Dogs, (c) Rats, 6. fences, gates and walls' in the lines of the (d) Dragons, poem "Sumba's, Adventure" refer to :, (C. G 2019 Set B), (a) opportunities (b) challenges, (c) bad luck., 1.What creatures Sumba does, , not, , imagine in the poem:, , (a) Dragon, (b) Tiger, (c) Wolves, Ans. 1.(b), 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (d), 6. (b), 7. (b)., , (C.G. 2020 Set B), (d) Bears., , ReadingC, ADVENTURES OF IBN BATTUTA, Janet Hardy-Gould, I, , My uncle .., m eleven,' Isaid., Difficult words (afo yTa)-Quietly (TEcît) =qifayas iSud-, , denly (H3Ht) =34A11 I refully(, , ATE, 3TE,, ,, , ,, , ara fA, , *A3, , ) =HTaTYdT I
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fextual, Comprehension, , Comprehension |137, , I.Answer the following questions:, , Who was Ibn Battuta ?, , (C.G.2018 Set C), , Ans., , [bn Battuta was, , What, , a, , pilgrim, , and was, , uncle of Ahmad., , the first, journey of Ibn Battuta ? At what, from where did he start ?, age and, was, , (C.G.2017 Set C), , aH4-t arT, , ?), , Ans., , His first journey was a, pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah. At, the age of twenty one he started, from Tangier., , A3., , To whom is 1bn Battuta, , narrating his journeys?, (C.G. 2018Set A), , Ans., , lbn Battuta was narrating his journeys to Ahmad., , Wnat does one learn by travelling around the world, according, Set B; 19 Set C), to Ibn Battuta ?, (C.G. 2017 Set B, 18, , Ins., , According to Ibn Battuta,, , e, timo, , one can see, , and cities,, bad, , But in his/her, things., exciting, and do, his/ner, and lose, animals, hungry, , ESting people, meet big, SC can get ill,, , money., , wonderful towns
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138, , Navbodh English Bharati (C. G.): Class X, , 5., , What did Ibn Battuta do when he fell ill in, , Ans., , When Ibn Battuta fell ill in, Constantine his friends put him on his, old donkey and hit the animal, from behind to make it, go quickly, down the road., , Constantine?