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VV \\\\, , WF Ey Ss, , My, , AN, N, , , , , , \\, , 2.3: SDT why COWON tf ‘ tile;, ~ ote OO, Ans. Reasons for concentration of cotton textile industry are the following ;, , (i) Technical Knowledge : The progress of modern cotton textile mill began in 1254, when the first cotton mill was established in Bombay (Mumbai). Thus, the people of, the region are aware about the know-how of the industry., , (ii) Raw materials : Cotton is available from the black cotton soil area situated nearby |, and long staple cotton is imported through the ports of Mumbai and Kandla. =, , iti) Demand : Demand of the finished goods is throughout the country., iv) Power : Although the region is far away from coal mines, cheap hydel power is, , available from plants in Western Ghats., , v) Climate : The region is situated near the sea, hence the climate is humid and the, , cotton thread does not break easily., , (vi) Labour : There is no dearth of labour as the adjoining areas are much densely, ‘vii} Capital : Due to e ing system and the presence of capitalists in, the area, there is no dearth of capital, , .