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248, ENGLISH, Q.8. Write a notice as the Secretary of the Relief Fund Committee of your school, inviting students to contribute generously for the earthquake affected people of, Nepal., Notic, Ans., The s, NOTICE, Contribution for Nepal Earthquake Victims, Ref. No., Sri Prit, Students are hereby notified that the Relief Fund Committee of the school has, papp, Date : 25.04.2016, decided to send generous contribution to the helpless victims of the devastating, earthquake in Nepal. You are all aware of the fact that thousands of people have been, killed and many more have been rendered homeless. Students are, therefore, re., quested to donate freely in cash or in kind, clothes, dry food, baby food, medicine, etc. to the school office during the recess on all working day. Students may also take, donation slips from the office counter to collect contribution from their neighbours, and relatives. All contribution will be sent to the affected areas of Nepal through the, Chief Minister's Relief Fund. Social Service Certificates will be awarded to the best, his bel, asked, (Hea, contributors from the school., (s/d........), Halima Sayeed, Cultur, Roshenara Mishra, enliste, Secretary, Relief Fund Committee, Ans, Q.9. Suppose you are the secretary of a local club. Write a notice inviting the mem-, bers of the club as well as the local inhabitants for donating blood in a blood donation, camp to be organized by your club., Noti, Ans., NOTICE, The, Ref. No., Donate Blood, Save a Life, ebrate, All the honourable members of the club as well as the connected inhabitants of the, locality are hereby notified that the club is going to organize a Blood Donation Camp., It will be held in the club premises on May 27 th, 2016, from 9:30 am to 4 pm. Life, Saving Blood Bank will supervise the camp. Inspite of her busy schedule, the, honourable Chief Minister will be present in the camp to inspire people to donate, blood. All the members and local people aged between 20-50 years are, therefore, requested to turn up at the camp to donate blood. Nutritious lunch pack along with, the certificate signed by the Chief Minister will be provided to the donors. Active co-, operation is solicited from all to make this noble effort a grand success., Date : 20.05.2016, Soon., stage, stude, Stude, dooe, 2/-, (He, Tapas Chakraborty, Sonarpur, a notice as school captain informing the students of a farewell meeting to be held in, Secretary, Kshiristola Samaj Seva Sangha, Q.10.A teacher of your school has retired. He is an honour to your school. Write out, his honour., Ans., Barasat Govt. School, Barasat, North 24-Pgs., May 15, 2012, Thi