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HOW DO ORGANISM, REPRODUCED, , 31 December 2021 17:33, , 1. HOW DOES REGENERATION TAKE, PLACE IN PLANARIAN?, , e When the body of Planaria is cut into, number of pieces, the each and every, body piece can regenerate and results, in formation of a complete Planaria. The, regeneration of an organism occurs by, the process of growth and, development., , 2. HOW DOES BUDDING OCCURS IN, NAP) Vs, , e Budding is the asexual mode of, reproduction. In budding, a genetically, identical new organism grows attached, to the body of parent Hydra and, separates later on., , 3. WRITE TWO FUNCTIONS OF PLACENTA., , e Provides a large surface area to pass, from mother to embryo for glucose and, oa 4-10F, , e Removal of waste produced in the, growing fetus into the mother's blood., , 4. Name two bacterial sexually, transmitted diseases which are, transmitted in humans., , e Gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia are, , examples of SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED, DISEASE that are caused by bacteria., , 5. Name two viral sexually transmitted, diseases which are transmitted in, humans., , 6. What is the difference between self, pollination and cross pollination?, e Learn from pariksha bodh, , 7. Draw a labelled diagram of the, longitudinal section of a flower., , 8. Draw a labelled diagram of female, reproduction of human.