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QUESTION SETS: MATH MATICS (ap, », , ARIABLES 4, , QUESTION 58 (Use a graph, m ast day, [] + [dng o as per the given information. (U, ]= 7390 me, , paper?, , 8890. gy or, , 4), On thy, from equation (9), 0, , CD which intersect, , aph paper draw lise ., + at (0, —2). Draw the graphs and, , Nate ‘ n of the lines AB, , ; oint of intersecti, , dinates of the poi, , ite the coord, , Ans., , word problem on simultaneous linear equa, *s, So that the value of one of the variables, , s, metres, years, etc). Also solve it,, (Open Ended Questigh, , plot of land is 15 m more thath, e plot, if its perimeter is 70 m,, f the word problem, , e breadth of t, , ct of the lines AB and CD, be 2m and length y m, Prom the first condition x + 15, The perimeter of the rectangle, From the second ‘fondition, 79, Adding equations (1) and 2) imultaneous equations and solve them, a= ano, , Assignment | 1.4, 20+ x), , From the given determinants form two, , 5 using Cramer's rule, Solve the following simultaneous equations using Cr