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bt A Oar, , a, , month of February. Thus every fourth year, February is of 29 days instead, of 28 days., , Q.1D Answer the following questions briefly., Differentiate between the Summer and Winter Solstice., , Answer:, , Summer Solstice: It occurs on 21*tJune and is also known as the longest, day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. This is due to the position of, , the earth when there is summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in, the Southern Hemisphere., , Winter Solstice: Winter Solstice occurs on 22nd December, which is also, known as the shortest day of the year. At this time, the earth’s North Pole, is tilted farthest from the sun. It is summer in the Southern Hemisphere, and winter in the Northern Hemisphere., , Q. 1 E Answer the following questions briefly., What is an equinox?, Answer:, , Equinox is that time of the year when day time and night time are of equal, length. The word Equinox is derived from the Latin;, ‘equi’ means equal and ‘nox’ means ‘night’. It occurs on two such, 21st, March and 23rd September., , Q.1 F Answer the following questions briefly., , Why does the Southern Hemisphere Experience Winter and Summer, Solstice in different times than that of the Northern Hemisphere?, , G.K., eiug NCERT Books for Govt Job INSTALL, LCTefoye) (at) AN