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Fig. Vascular bundle, , , , Objective, , study Squamous Epithelium., , \Materials Required, Slide, spatula or ice cream stick or cotton bud, brush, acetocarmine, etc., , mouth should be properly rinsed with clean, elial cells from cheek. Put the scraping om a, , Procedure, the cover slip and remove excess stain with, , Before taking the sample of epithelial cells from cheek the, water. Spatula or ice cream stick can be used to scrape epith, slide and put acetocarmine over it. After about 3 minutes put, , the help of filter paper. Observe under microscope., “Qbservatioris S a V VAINADULD Lrvnliumn., e. Cells are polygonal or ovoidal in shape. Nuceus is clearly visible. Cell membrane is, , Many cells are visibl, visible as a hayline structure., , , , , Plasma, membrane, , Nucleus, , Fig. Squamous Epithelium, , PRACTICAL SKILLS IN BIOLOGY-XI