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ation, across the In words, economy a free flow of and, liberalisation and lead to, Globalisation of global, Globalisation has the aim of, "Globalisation’ means the economy, of a with It removes, Ltd., 5 Lo, tion, mp, Fig. 9.3: Globalisation, on, Meaning:, ve, specific,, the new economic policy. To be more specie, globalisation of the economy., Globalisation means the creation of glob, borderless, economy. A Global economy is a, economy having a free flow of goods, services,, capital,, labour, and technology, across the national borders In other word., “Globalisation' means integrating the economy, of a country with the world economy., all barriers in free trade and investments., Measures taken for Globalisation:, 1) Removal of quantitative restrictions, All the quantitative restrictions have been, removed on imports and exports. Further, tariff rates have been brought down, considerably. The import duty on industrial, goods have been reduced., 2) Encouragement to Foreign Capital :, Government has apened the economy to, foreign investments! As a result, foreign, capital is attracted towards various sectors.