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introduc tory MICR( EC’ Ne, 1M, , we hold one factor input fixed and keep increasing the other, the factor Proportion, ng Ps. Initially, these Proportions become more and more suitable for the Production, MP rises. But after a certain level of employment, the production process becomes to, we with the variable input and factor Proportions become less and less Suitable for, , , , (‘) One factor input is variable, q= f(x, ,%,), (ii) All other factors are fixed., (iii) It is a short Period production function,, (tv) Factor Proportion is variable,, (%) Units of variable factor are homogeneous (equally efficient),, (vt) Technique of Production does not change., , , , , , , , , , , , What are Variable Proporti, the proportion between the fixed factor, , , , sh rt run, as we increase the quantity of variable factor only,, Varia factors will change. For example,