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UNIT II, E. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES, , Resources:, Resources are anything which we make use of while carrying out any activity., They help us in accomplishing our goals. Time, energy, money, knowledge,, interest, skills, materials are resources., , Resources can be Classified in Different Ways:, 1. Human and non-human resources, 2. Individual and shared resources, 3. Natural and community resources, , 1.Human and Non-Human Resources, A. Human resources, (a) Knowledge: It is a resource one uses throughout one’s life and is a prerequisite for carrying out any activity successfully., (b) Motivation/Interest: To accomplish any task, the worker must be motivated, and interested in doing it., (c) Skills/Strength/Aptitude: All individuals may not be skilled in performing all, activities, each one of us has an aptitude in certain areas., (d) Time: It is a resource available to everyone equally. Managing time in a, specific period and attaining the goal is very important., (e) Energy: For sustaining individual growth and physical output, energy is, essential., B Non-human Resources, (a) Money: Money is a limited resource and must be spent judiciously to fulfil our requirements., (b) Material Resources: Space, furniture, clothes, stationery, food items, etc., are some of the, material resources. We require these resources to carry out activities., , 2.Individual and Shared Resources, (a) Individual Resources: These are resources which are available to an individual for personal use, only. These can be human or non-human resources., (b) Shared resources: These are resources which are available to many, members of the community/society. Shared resources can be natural or community based., , 1
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3.Natural and community resources, (a) Natural Resources: Resources available in nature, like water, mountains, air, etc. are natural, resources., (b) Community Resources: These resources are available to an individual as a member of, community/society, these are generally provided by government., , Characteristics of Resources:, (i) Utility : ‘Utility’ means the importance or usefulness of a resource in helping, one to achieve a goal. Proper use of important resources available to a family, or community leads to greater satisfaction., (ii) Accessibility : Accessibility of resources varies from person to person and, from time to time., (iii) Interchangeability : Almost all the resources have substitutes, if one, resource is not available, it can be substituted by another., (iv) Manageable : Resources are limited, they should be managed properly and, effectively for their optimum utilisation. Resources should be used in such a, way that we attain maximum output with minimum input of resources., , Managing Resources:, , , It is important to note that none of the resources are unlimited. All resources are finite., , , , We need to utilise resources effectively to achieve our goals faster and efficiently., , , , Resources, therefore, should not be misused and wasted. Thus, to achieve our goals, effective, management of resources is extremely essential., , , , Management of resources involves implementing resource management procedures which include, planning, organising, implementing, controlling and evaluation., , The Management Process:, The management process involves five aspects – planning, organising, implementing, controlling, and evaluation., (i) Planning: It is the first step in any management process. It helps us to visualise the path to, reach our goals. In other words, to plan is to produce a scheme for action to achieve specified goals, by using the available resources., • Steps in planning : The basic steps in planning are–, , a), b), c), d), , Identifying the problem, Identifying different alternatives, Choosing between alternatives, Acting to carry out the plan/Putting the plan into action, 2
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e) Accepting the consequences, (ii) Organising: It is collecting and arranging appropriate resources in order to implement plans in, an effective and efficient manner., (iii) Implementing: This stage involves carrying out the prepared plan., (iv) Controlling: It refers to the task of ensuring that your activities are producing the desired, results., (v) Evaluation: In the final stage, the outcomes that you have arrived at after putting your plan into, action are evaluated. The end result of the task is compared with the desired result., , 3