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* Heat Energy(@) Work Dore (W) and Intornal Energy(U), * Heat (Q), Heat is a mode of enerqy transfes due to temperatioe difference., Heat is either trarsfesed to the system or, from the system., * WorK (W), Work is a mode of, energy, transfor (such as moving the piston)that, produces orgomised motion., Work is done either ON the system or By the sustem., * Internal Enerqy (U), ata, The, energy possessed by a system by, particles & confiquration of it's paoticles is it's internal energy., virtue of the motion of it's, R It is the sum of molaculor Kinetic and potential energies., CU = UK+ Up, %3D, FAQ.), for, an ideal gas, Up =O, U = Uk, for a real gas,, U = UK + Up, %3D, 2. Stgn conventions used:-, • Heat absorbed by a system is positive !), Heat given out by a system is negartive.(-), • Work done by a system is pasitive .(+), Work done on a system is negative -), • Tncrese in intemal energy, energy, of a system is positive.(+), of a system i negative l-), Decrease in internal