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6)What a thunderclap these words, were to me !” What were the words, that shocked and surprised the, narrator?, , Answer:, , When M.Hamel mounted on the, chair and announced that he was, there to teach his last French, , lesson that day, Franz was shocked, and surprised. He felt very guilty, for deliberately ignoring to learn his, native language and he suddenly, developed a strange fascination for, his language and his school.
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l 5)What changes did the order from, Berlin cause in the school?, , Answer:, , The shocking order from Berlin that, only German would be taught in, the schools of Alsace and Lorraine, saddened and hurt the pride of the, French people. So as a gesture to, express their solidarity for their, language the village elders also, attended school for the last French, lesson. The usual hustle and bustle, was missing from school and it, was unusually quiet. M. Hamel, was also dressed in his formal, suit which he wore only on special, occasions.
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'4)What changes did the order from q, Berlin cause on the day of the last, lesson?, , Answer:, , The shocking order from Berlin that, only German would be taught in, the schools of Alsace and Lorraine, saddened and hurt the pride of the, French people. So as a gesture to, express their solidarity for their, language the village elders also, attended school for the last French, lesson. The usual hustle and bustle, was missing from school and it, was unusually quiet. M. Hamel, was also dressed in his formal, suit which he wore only on special, occasions.
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4), , What was M.Hamel’s regret on the, day of the last lesson?, , Answer:, , M. Hamel’s regret on the last day of, the French lesson was that they all, had put off learning their language, till the next day and now most of, them who claimed to be Frenchmen, could neither speak nor write their, language. For this they all, including, M. Hamel himself, had a great deal, to reproach themselves with.
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___2)How different from usual was, the atmosphere at school on the, day of the last lesson?, , Answer:, , Acquiring power over the Alsacians, made the Prussians so dominating, that they even imposed _ their, , language on them. This way the, Prussians intended to dominate the, hearts and minds of the Alsacians, and wanted them to even think in, their language and thereby lose, their complete identity. An order, had been received from Berlin that, only German would be taught in, schools of Alsace and Lorraine., So there was something unusual, about the school on the last day of, the French lesson. The usual hustle, and bustle was missing. Everything, was ‘strange and solemn’ as on a, Sunday morning. The village elders, were seated on the back desks.