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(Acquired lmunodelicleney, 6 AIDS, Syndrome)., (a) General nccount., It was first roported in, 1981., , is, , caused by Human, Immunodollciency, Virnus (11IV), which, Transnission of lHIV oecurs in, is a retroVirua, one or nore of the, following ways, sexunl contact, By, with the infocted person., ( Transfiusion of contamiated, blood and blood products., Sharing infocted needles., ), iv) From infected nother to the child, through the placecnta., The following individunls are at high risk of gctting the discase, who have multiple sexual partners, ., Drug addicts taking the drugs intravenously, ), (iin-Individuals who require repented blood transfusion., (Children born to an infected woman., Cycle of HIV., , Those, , Life, , Retro virus, -Viral RNA, , Viral Protein coat, , core, , Virus infects, normal cell, , Plasma, membrane, Animal cell, , Viral RNA is intraducedjnto.cell, , Cytoplasm, , Viral DNA is, , produced, , by reverse, , transcriptase, , Viral DNA incorporates, intoh0st genome,, viral RNA, is produced by, , New, ANIMAL, , CELL, , infected cell, New viruses, , are produced, , Nucleug, , New viruses, can infect other cells, Flg. 8.3 Multiplicatlon of, , HIV In Human Cell, , DNA
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virus after getting into the body of a person, enters the macrophages., The, The RNA replicates and DNA is formed by,reverse transcriptase, , directs the infected cell to, DNA gets incorporated with the host coll DNA and, viral, The, produce virus particles., macrophages continuc to producc virus particles,, progeny viruses,, virus then enters the helper T-lymphocytes (T.), replicates and forms, T-lymhocytes, and there is, progeny viruses released in the blood altack other helper, body of the infected, a progressive decrease in the number of helper T-lymphocytes in the, persons., person becomes easily infected by bacteria like Mycobacterium, viruses and even parasites, , The, The, The, , The, , like Toxoplasma., , The, , person is unable to protect himselfherself against any infection., , Prevention of AIDS., , NationalAIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and non-governmental organisations are trying, their best to educate people about AlDS., World Health Organisation (WHO) has started a number of programmes to prevent spreading, , of HIV infection; some, , such steps include :f, AI ensuring use of disposable needles and syringes., i checking blood for HIV., distribution of condoms and advocating safe sex., controlling drug abuse. ., i), regular check-up for HIV in susceptible populations, etc., promoting, AIDS is diagnosed by ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immuno, sorbant Assay) test., Treatment with anti-retroviral drugs is önly partially effective;, they can only prolong the life, of the patient and cannot prevent death., , ifree