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Q.No. Q.No., We SSP’s Knowledge Hub/Sunil Patil, Q.No.| 1 A), SECTION — I, Al., i) | The astrologer killed a man when he was youngster., False, ii) | The astrologer’s wife was waiting for him., True, iit)| Guru Nayak gave the astrologer a rupee what he, promised., False, iv)| The astrologer told his wife the true reason why he ran, away from home., True, A2., His name- His purpose to, Guru Nayak visit town, Facts about stranger, occurred in the extract, Journey to his Superstitious, village nature, A3.,| The astrologer was a shrewd person. The way he, , , , convinced Guru Nayak to go back home when he, , , , recongised him. He tactically told him that he would face, , , , great danger to his life. He shrewdly advised him not to, , , , travel southward again. He smartly escaped himself from, , , , the danger to his life.
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Q.No. Q.No., We SSP’s Knowledge Hub/Sunil Patil, Q.No.| 1A), A4.| The astrologer gets the sympathy of the readers in the, end. | too feel sympathy for him. Though he tried to kill, Guru. Nayak when he wads youngster, it was, unintentional. He accepted the truth and told his wife, honestly. He felt sorry for what he did. It is indicated by, his words, “Do you know a great load is gone from me, today? | thought | had the blood of a man on my hands, all these years.”, AS., 1) | Clenching his fist, he asked when he would get at him., 2) | | will buy some jaggery and coconut tomorrow., AG., i) | light x darkness, ii) | noise x silence, ii)) few x many, iv) | dead x alive
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Q.No. Q.No., We SSP’s Knowledge Hub/Sunil Patil, Q.No.} 1 (B), Bi., 1) | If you ask me, | will help you., 2)| What did some thugs try to snatch?, 3)| No other girl in our class is so smart as Samidha., B2., , , , The sun always sets in the West.
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Q.No. Q.No., We SSP’s Knowledge Hub/Sunil Patil, Q.No.| 2 A), , Al., , i) | The use of information technology is increasing day by, day in the field of Governance, company management,, banking, advertising, entertainment, insurance, medical,, engineering and industrial field., , it) | A flow of FDI in information technology has given India, required capital to develop its country., , ii) | Software engineers in India have provided services to the, whole world., , iv) | Government can make policies to provide economic, benefits to investors in the field of IT., , A2., , ii) | The progress of India has not been influenced by IT sector., Correct statement :, , The progress of India has been influenced by IT sector., iii)| In the map of the IT world India has no scope., Correct statement :, In the map of IT world, India has scope., iv) | IIT’s technicians have no demand in the world market., , , , Correct statement :, , , , IIT’s technicians have demand in the world market.