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‘My Grandmother's House’ is a heart-touching, poem composed by Kamala Das. She was a, great poet. She earned a lot of name and fame, in the world of English and Malayalam, , literature. Her important works ar ‘The, aah ‘The, , Summer In Kolkata’ ‘The de, Old play house’ ‘Yes se D, oetess has, , In the present pos ty, expressed his fee ingen thoughts ina, pensive moo e poetess describes how, there w, 2. of love between her and her, rnin * After her grandmother’s death,, snakes started moving among the books and, house itself. The poetess further says that she, wishes to go there in search of the same, freedom, love and affection. She feels very, lonely now. She seeks love at stranger’s door., , In this way, we can say that the title of, itself contains the central idea of the poem., It’s a passionate has been written in a, wonderful way.The poem conveys a beautiful, message to the suggests us the, philosophy of life.