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School Name:, ALS – PROJECT PORTFOLIO, Name:, ssep, Roll No., Reg. No., talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his, nou., head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.", Nelson Mandela
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ALS –PROJECT PRTFOLIO, "Imposed vs Self -imposed Linguistic, Chauvinism at the present scenario, of academic life in the light of “The, Last Lesson", A project done by, 2.
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OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT, A project study based on the Lesson "The Last, Lesson" written by Alphonse Daudet., The project looks into the theme of linguistic, chauvinism that dealt in the story The Last Lesson, and connects it with the self-imposed linguistic, chauvinism that we see in our academic life. A study, focusses on the necessity to take steps to protect the, regional languages from the influence of foreign, languages.
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CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION, This project work titled "Imposed vs Self -imposed, Linguistic Chauvinism at the present scenario of, academic life in the light of "The Last Lesson", A critical study based ALS Project on "Linguistic, Chauvinism" has been carried out by the guidance, and instructions of Sh. Sunil Kumar Lakshman P GT, English of (the school)., Mentor and Guide, 4.
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ACTION PLAN, The entire project has been fulfilled following different steps and, consultations with teachers, experts and peers and with reference to, print and visual media. The project aims at achieving a clear, understanding of the present scenario of diminishing the importance of, mother tongue in our academic life. For the project i read and critically, evaluated our lesson "The Last Lesson" and took out the theme of, Linguistic Chauvinism dealt in it. I visited two of my neighborhood, schools and interacted with English teachers and some pupils and, collected their opinions about the topic. Along with that I have acquired, a good proficiency in general English speaking and methods of, interacting with people and listening to various interviews conducted by, our national channels and social media. For the project I carried out, several studies and readings especially the New Educational Policy of, India that suggests the importance of mother tongue learning and come, to know about the steps we have to take to protect our own regional, language. Then I analyzed the data collected from different sources and, found out certain immediate steps to be taken to protect the own, asensuej, 5.