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They could be arrested if they keep, him in their house. They wanted, to get rid of him. Q. 6. Why could, Sadao not handover the soldier, to the police? Ans. Sadao disliked, Americans because they were, enemies. The soldier was wonnded, and unconscious so he treated, him instead of handing over to, the police. His doctor inside him, prevented to do so., , 6)Q. 6. Why was Sadao not sent to, abroad with troops? Ans. Sadao, s services were useful for the, country. He was pefecting a major, discovery It would render wounds, entirely clean. Only Sadao can, operate the old General, , 7)Q. 7. What was the main reason, to save the life of the American, Soldier by Sadao? Ans. Sadao was, a doctor. It was his duty as a doctor, to save the life of a patient. The, American was his patient first and, then the enemy.
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3] Why did Sadao send the, American in the dark of the night?, Ans. Sadao sent him in the dark of, the night because he did not want, to be arrested. He was under strain, when the assassins of General did, not come. Then he planned for the, same., , 4)Q. 4. Why gardener and Yumi, were behaving in a strange way?, Ans. Gardener and Yumi were, servants of the house. They both, did not want that the soldier who, was enemy should be saved. They, were against the wishes of thelr, master., , 5)Q. 5. Why did Hana and Sadao, want to throw back the man to, sea? Ans. Hana and Sadao wanted, to throw back the man because, he was an American war prisoner., , They could be arrested if they keep, , him in their house. They wanted, to get rid of him. Q. 6. Why could, Sadao not handover the soldier, to the police? Ans. Sadao disliked, Americans because they were, enemies. The soldier was wonnded, and unconscious so he treated, him instead of handing over to, the police. His doctor inside him, prevented to do so., , , , 4CVAY 4 VAlRrvssracn Cadan nat cant +n
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Q. 1 Write about the character of, Sadao? Ans. Sadao was the only, son of his parents. He was sent, to study surgery and medicne to, America. He was very famous, , doctor. The General had a deep, , faith in him. He also 1gnored the, crime of Sadao. When Japan and, America were at war he helped, , the prisoner ot war. He was not a, treacher. He considered that duty of, a doctor is beyond the borders. He, was ready to sacrifice his own life, for the sake of his patient. Tom the, prisoner of war well said about him, if there are persons like Sadao there, is not any need of war, , 2) Q.2. Why did Hana and Sadao, save the life of the American inspite, of their hate? Ans. Sadao and, Hana were doctor and very kind, also. When they saw the man lying, on the beach. They pitied on him., When they found that he was an, American, they both were full of, hate. But they cannot leave the man, in the bad condition. Due to their, duty as a doctor they healed his, wounds. They operated him. They, knew that they would be arrested, but thev considered that saving, the life of the American was more, important., , , , 2] Why did Sadan cand the