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VISTAS-SUPPLEMENTARY READER, , THE THIRD LEVEL, , —Jack Finney, , , , STAND ALONE MCQs vee eet, , Q.1. How was Charley convinced that he had reached the Third Level of Grand Central Station and not the second, , , , level?, (A) A different world of gas lights and brass spittoons. (B) Beards and moustaches of 1894., (C) Newspaper with a date June 11, 1894 (D) All of these, , Ans. Option (D) is correct., , Explanation: When he found himself on a different level, he was convinced that he had reached the third, level at Grand Central Station as he found it a different world of gas lights, brass spittoons, derby hats,, beards, side burns and fancy moustaches., , Q.2. What particular difference did Charley notice at the Third Level of Central Station?, (A) Everything was weird., (B) Everything was old styled and smaller in size., (C) Everything was too big., (D) Everything was shining., Ans. Option (B) is correct., , Explanation: The general layout of the third level was different from that of the second level. It had, comparatively smaller rooms, fewer ticket windows and lesser train gates., , Q.3. Why does Charley want to visit Galesburg?, , (A) To see the beautiful landscape (B) Toenjoy, , (C) To escape from the troublesome world (D) To meet his old friends, Ans. Option (C) is correct., , Explanation: Charley wanted to go there to escape from insecurity, fear, war, worry and tension of the, modern world., , Q.4. Why did the narrator visit Third Level?, (A) Asa wish to visit Galesburg., (B) He wanted to meet his friends., (C) He wanted to take a break from his office routine., (D) Asa result of stress and anxiety in his mind., , Ans. Option (D) is correct., , | Explanation: Visiting the Third Level was like a ‘waking dream wish fulfilment’. |, , Q.5. Which of the following activities make one to overcome the insecurities of the present unfavourable times?, (A) By engaging ourselves in practical activities (B) By lalking to friends and family, (©) Reading good books (D) All of these, , Ans. Option (D) is correct., , Explanation: People engage in various creative tasks, talk to close ones or even read good books to free, themselves of the stressful times., , Q.6. What is inferred from ‘Waking, dream wish fulfilment’?, (A) Apleasant wish that makes one remember the past, (B) A pleasant wish that takes one to the future, (C) A pleasant wish which inspires to work, (D) A pleasant wish that makes one forget the present, Ans. Option (D) is correct., , | Explanation: This strategy makes one stress free and transports one to his dream world. |, Q.7. How would you describe Charley’s vision of his grandfather's life and times? (CBSE QB, 2021), (A) Wistful escapis (B) Idealized sentimentality, , , , (C) Nostalgic simpli, , aac i Na a, , , , (D) Dreamy perfection